Social Bounty Review – Is Social Bounty A Scam Or $500/Day Opportunity?! - Precious New Start

Social Bounty Review – Is Social Bounty A Scam Or $500/Day Opportunity?!

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Welcome to my Social Bounty review.

Important: Make sure you watch the full video below to learn what this website is all about and why you shouldn't waste your time on this scam!

Social Bounty Review [At A Glance]

Recommended? NO

Overall Rating: 0 out of 10

*Click Here For Social Bounty Alternatives*


Social Bounty Review [VIDEO]

What Is Social Bounty?

Social Bounty, like many other sites I've reviewed recently, advertises itself as  "The #1 Influencer Network". 

It claims to give you the opportunity to earn money by completing simple tasks such as, completing surveys, installing apps and sharing your link others. 

The problem with this website is that they offer highly unrealistic income claims and sadly, they don't pay out to their users. 

For example, you're supposedly given a $25 sign up bonus and can earn $5-20 for every friend you invite, but as you will watch in my Social Bounty review video above you'll soon discover that there are many inconsistencies about the income claims, as well as the true facts about the "business", which highlight my suspicions.

Can You Make Money Online With Social Bounty?

Unfortunately, you will NOT make money online with Social Bounty.

They give a fake impression that your account balance is increasing when you share your link, but at the end of it you will NOT receive any money.

I've outlined all the main points in the video, but here is a quick overview of why Social Bounty is a scam!

#1 The Owners Make Money, NOT You

Ultimatelythe main purpose of Social Bounty, and similar sites, is to help the owners make money...not you.

The owners are the only people that benefit from sites like Social Bounty and earn through a method known as Cost Per Action (CPA) marketing.

This means that the owners of get as many people as they can to complete these different offers, and they end up making the profits, without returning any money to you.

#2 The Numbers Don't Add Up

As mentioned above, it's the owners that earn money.

They generally only receive $1-$3 for every action you take, such as filling out a "survey" how can they offer to pay you $30+ to complete these tasks?

Not just that, but the $25 sign up bonus is a complete lie.

They supposedly have 50,000 members on their site. If they paid each person $25, just to sign up, they'd be paying out in the millions! 

But where can they possible get the money to do this?!

Ultimately, as you'll discover in the video, the numbers don't add up, and the income they claim is completely fake, just to get you and others to sign up.

#3 Fake Business Start Date

The site claims it started it's business in 2012, however, I was able to do a domain registration search, and quickly discovered that the site has only been registered since December 2019. 

So, if this site was legit, why would they need to make a fake claim about their start date. 

#4 Fake Payment Proofs

Not only has Social Bounty lied about their business start date, but they've also posted fake payment proofs.

In addition, the payment proofs had dates before the site was even created, for example one was dated February 2019, but the site was created December 2019.

So how were they able to pay people before they even created the site?!

Again, just more proof to show that this website is fake.

#5 No Social Media Accounts

Social Bounty claims to be the "#1 Social Media Influencer Network", however, on their site, there is no evidence of any social media accounts.

If Social Bounty really are #1, surely they should have social media accounts, and tons of followers also, right?!

#6 Fake Testimonials & Founding Members

The testimonials are 100% unreal, with one of the pictures from the testimonial being the same picture for one of their "founding members"...except, they have different names.

You find more information about this in the video above.

#7 Terms & Conditions

This is not mentioned in the video, but with some additional digging, I was able to discover another major inconsistency. 

On the homepage, Social Bounty claims that you only need to be 13yrs or older to use the site.

However, when checking the terms and conditions, they mention that a user has to be 99 years or older!

Such a HUGE inconsistency!

Considering most people that use the internet, and this site, are under 99, why would they have this in the terms & conditions. 

Further proof that this site is not legit!

#8 Identical To Other Scams 

Social Bounty is also identical/very similar to other online scams I've reviewed, such as:

And the list keeps growing...

If you've come across any of these already, then you should definitely stay away from, cause you will waste your time with this too, and not get any money.

My Final Thoughts - Is Social Bounty A Scam?

Thank you for making it to the end of this Social Bounty review.

I've done enough research on "make money online" opportunities, and used enough GPT sites, to know when something is the real deal or not, and is definitely NOT the real deal.

Sadly, it's just another online scam which aims to take your data and earn money from you without paying you back for your time & efforts.

Therefore, in my opinion, and based on my research, is a complete scam!

Final Verdict: NOT Recommended!

Instead, why not check out these legitimate Social Bounty alternatives:

Let's discuss:

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Have you joined this site? Have you tried to make payment but haven't received it yet?

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Social Bounty

Social Bounty review - Is a scam or legit

Overall Rating



  • Fake start date
  • Fake testimonials
  • Fake payment proof
  • Identical to other scams
  • Won't make any money

Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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