Ways To Start An Online Business - Precious New Start
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Ways To Start An Online Business


Starting a business online may sound like a daunting task. How do I get started? What should my business be about? Where will I get the money to start? Lots of questions and doubts can go through our minds when we think about the idea of starting a business.

However, that doesn’t need to be the case. Starting a business online is possible, and there are many people who are the turning it into their full time living, and working from home doing so. Therefore, I want to dedicate this article to sharing with you some tops ways that you can start a business online…and if you continue reading, I’ll share with you my #1 recommended program for getting started online free.


Common Misconceptions of Starting an Online Business

There are many misconceptions people have about starting a business online. These can include:

  • Requires a large initial investment (buying inventory, creating a website etc)
  • You need experience and technical knowledge.
  • Time consuming

However, I want to dispute these misconceptions, and show you that you can start an online business from home, online. And in some cases, it requires no money at all to get started. So I’d encourage you to keep reading to find out more.


How Do You Start An Online Business?

starting an online business, how to start a business online. start a business online
If you’re looking to start a business, the best place to start is with a web based business. The biggest benefit to creating an online business is that you can get started with little to no investment. You can actually get started for $0 (and if you continue reading, I’ll show you some of the best ways to start an online business for free).

It seems that many people believe starting a business online requires a large financial investment – building a website, creating a logo, buying inventory, hiring employees etc. However, this is not necessarily the case. Although there are some businesses that do need financial investment, there are a number of ways you can start a business online with little to no cost at all.

There are many ways that people can make money online…however, the key to making a long term, regular income, is to start your own business.

Below I will share with you my top ways to start a business online (in no particular order).

Note: I’d recommended starting with one business method, and once that is successful, consider having multiple streams of income using the methods below, or other methods you may have come across. 


1. Freelance

You could become a freelancer, and turn that into a business for yourself. A Freelancer is someone who works on a contract basis for a variety of companies, as opposed to someone who works for a specific employer. A freelancer is generally considered self employed, and is able to choose the hours and times they wish to work, and/or which company to work for. There are a number of sites available that you can use to kickstart your freelance business for free, such as UpworkElance and Fiverr:

With Fiverr you can sell your skills/service online for $5. But the best way to make money on Fiverr is by including gig extras. The use of gig extras allows you create add-on services for more money. Signing up with Fiverr is completely free, and it’s very easy to set up your profile. With Fiverr you can have up to 20 gigs. There are many success stories of people who have made a full time living with Fiverr. If you sign up you can expect to get regular emails sharing these inpiring success stories as well as tips for getting more Fiverr sales. The advantage Fiverr has over the other freelance sites I mentioned above is that you can pretty much sell anything! If you have a skill, then try and find a way to sell it on Fiverr.  Further more, with Fiverr, the buyers can find you, which makes selling on there much easier.


2. Sell Products Online

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Start A Business Selling Online

With this business model you can either sell physical products, or digital products. Selling products online is a great opportunity for people looking to start a business.

Selling Physical Products


eBay is one of the world’s most popular selling platforms, and a great opportunity.  You can sell all types of products online. It is completely free to sign up and create an eBay seller account. To be successful with eBay you need to be able to sell physical products. There are many ways you can find physical products to sell. When starting out, it’s best to learn how to sell on eBay by selling your used items around the house that you no longer need anymore. This is perfect if you have no money, as you can start by selling things you no longer need, and once you’d sold them, you can use that money towards buying products in bulk to resell. If you’re interested in starting a business with eBay, you’ll want a place to buy products online at low costs. I would recommend using Aliexpress, Alibaba or DHgate. I have personal experience with these online marketplaces, and have had positive results most of the time. I would highly recommended starting out with Aliexpress, because you can buy single items to act as a sample.

Amazon is another popular selling platform. However, this is a better place for selling new products. There are many people that use Amazon to make a full time business…however, most sellers combine both eBay and Amazon to better their profits.

If you have a passion for arts and crafts, you can sell your handmade products on Etsy. Again, this is another business model that is proving to be very profitable. Nowadays, it’s becoming more popular to have unique products, and people definitely appreciate having something that is handmade…”one of a kind”. Not only can Etsy be used for physical products, you can also sell digital products, which are handmade, such as resume templates or wallpaper designs

  • eCommerce store:

Last, but not least, another way to create a business selling physical products is to create an eCommerce store. You can use websites such as Wix and Shopify to do so.

Shopify offers a range of tools to help customise and maximise profits through your eCommerce store. Additionally, they offer a 14 day free trial to test them out. If you’re selling via an online store, you may also want to consider using a drop shipper. Dropshipping is a whole topic in itself, so if you’d like more information, you can check out this useful “ultimate guide to dropshipping”.


Selling Digital Products


There are people that are building a business from selling digital products. Examples of digital products include:

  • eBooks
  • Video courses
  • Software
  • Templates
  • Audios/music

These are some examples of products that you can sell and build a business from, and there are a number of platforms you can use to sell these products

  • Online Marketplace

This can be through eBay, Amazon (Kindle store), Etsy or your own eCommerce store, and other digital marketplaces such as Sellfy, Payloadz and Payhip (to name a few)

  • Amazon Kindle

This is one of the most popular places to sell your eBook online, and there are many guides online that can help you do that. One of my favourite is this article written by Hubspot. There are further guides online that will show you how to dedicate time to creating an ebook, how to format it for Amazon Kindle, and how to market it for maximum sales. You can write an eBook about almost anything, and if you’re good at writing, then this is a possible business option for you. eBooks are popular, cause they’re easy to carry, and more and more people are looking to eBooks for information. So theres always opportunity to create many eBooks if you wish. (You can visit the Kindle Marketplace to see what kind of books are available, to give you some ideas)

  • Udemy

Another way to build a business, is by creating video courses through sites such as Udemy. Not only are there many courses to learn from, there are also courses you can consider teaching. If you’re an expert in a specific area, why not turn that into a business through video. There’s over 10 million “hungry students” on Udemy, so that’s a LOT of potential buyers for your course. Take a look at Udemy’s site to give you an idea of what courses you may be interested in selling.


3. Youtube

start an online business with youtube, make money online with youtube, start a youtube business.

Start an Online Business With Youtube

Youtube has become a very popular way for people to make money online, and some have turned it into a full time business. If you enjoy creating videos, then this is a good business model to consider. There’s no secret guide to make money with Youtube, but you can watch other successful channels and see what they’re doing, and model them. You can start making money by being a partner for Youtube, and you get paid based on the number of views for our videos. So, important things to remember is that you provide value, have a constant schedule, and have fun…then you’re likely to have success with Youtube. Once you’ve built a fanbase, you can further monetise by being a sponsor for products, and advertising them on your video…and affiliate marketing! Which brings me onto my #1 recommended business model



4. Affiliate Marketing (#1 recommended)

make affiliate commissions, make money with affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing commissions

Start A Business Through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is basically a method of promoting other people’s products and receiving a commission for a sale that is made.

For example, if you are promoting a product that costs $10, and the commission rate is 50%. After the sale, you would have made $5.

One of the best ways to apply affiliate marketing is through a website/blog. For more information about building a website, and why it’s so important, you can take a look at my “Building Your Own Website” page

If you’re able to make consistent sales, this can turn into $hundreds and/or $thousands. Affiliate Marketing is personally my recommended way to make money online because:

  • It’s easy to get started
  • You don’t need any experience or technical skills
  • You don’t need any inventory
  • You don’t need any start up costs
  • There are thousands of products that you can promote.

So as you can see, there are many positives to Affiliate Marketing, and if you are consistent with it, you can make a very good income…and can eventually lead to Passive Income. Passive income is an income that is received on a regular basis, with little to no work involved to main it.

Now, before you can start earning Passive Income, you need to put the initial work in. In order to have success with Affiliate Marketing, or any business model, it first requires hard work and determination. Success doesn’t happen overnight!



There are many programs out there that promise to make you $$$, without any work. These are not real programs. Creating a business online is not a “get rich quick” thing. Real online programs encourage you to work hard, and persevere. This is why I want to share with you my #1 recommended training program that I use to build a business online through affiliate marketing. They are 100% genuine, and they give you the tools, and resources you need to change your life, and start a business online. The best thing is, it costs $0 to join, and they provide you with a wealth of information, and training. If you put in the effort, and have the determination…success will come!


As the saying goes:

Good things comes to those who wait


Final Words

If you’re serious about starting a business online, but need the tools and training to get started…I’d encourage you to sign up today for a free trial! There is an option to upgrade, however there is no obligation to do so, and you can remain a free member for life.

In order to succeed, you need to take action! So, take action today and sign up for FREE by clicking the image below.

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