Review – Is A Scam? (YES! Here’s Why…) - Precious New Start Review – Is A Scam? (YES! Here’s Why…)

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Welcome to my review.

If you've been looking for a way to make money online in the past few days/weeks there's a chance you've come across this site,

If so, I imagine you're here because you  wanted to know for sure if it's a scam or a legitimate way to make money online. review logo

If that's the case, then I want to say well done for taking the time to find this review and discover the truth for yourself.

So, let's get started, cause there's SO much to tell you...


What Is review home page is a website that promotes itself as a way to make money online completing tasks with social media and getting referrals by promoting their website. 

Despite the red flags I've come across, it presents itself as a "Get Paid To" (GPT) website, which requires you to complete different types of tasks to earn an income online. 

But there's a lot more truth to uncover from this site, so keep on reading...

How Does It Work? review how it works claims you can make extra money online using their site and following these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Sign-up

Step 2Complete tasks

Step 3: Cash out

But this site is not as simple as they make out...

Ways To "Make Money" With CashLoad

CashLoad gives the impression that it's really easy to make money online with their website. 

Here are a few ways which you can apparently use to make money online with

  • Promote your referral link and get people to click through
  • Win bonuses
  • $25 sign up bonus
  • $50 reward to upload a Youtube video

These income claims are totally ridiculous and are not possible for any "GPT" website.

As someone who has tried and tested many GPT sites, I am fully aware of the earning potential of these types of sites, and being offered $25 for simply signing up is just not possible.

Can You Really Make Money Easily With The HONEST Truth...

It didn't take me long to be able to identify ​a number of red flags in this program, and having had a look inside the members area of this "opportunity", I'm even more convinced that this site is NOT a legitimate way to make money online.

Take a look at what I found:

1. Misleading Claims

Luckily, this program doesn't claim that you can make $1000s in just 24 hours using some secret loophole, like some other products I've reviewed.

However, it does give the impression that making money online with them is so simple, and that all you need to do is complete simple tasks and refer others to earn money.

Although earning in this way is totally possible, the income amounts shown on are just not true of any GPT website.

$25 just to sign up?!

Definitely NOT!

It's just a tactic to get you and countless others to join their fake site. 

A more realistic sign up bonus for a GPT site would be $1.00.

2. High Payout Threshold ($150)

This site has a very high payout threshold of $150. This means you need to make $150 or more before you can even request your money to be paid out. 

Having done quite a bit of research on this site, I have not seen a single payment proof at all, and have concluded that does not pay their users.

3. Identical To Other Fake "GPT" Sites is almost identical to another "GPT" site I reviewed called Influearn.

Here's a few ways in which they are almost identical: review home page review influearn homepage

1. Offer the same $25 Sign-up bonus review members area review influearn members area

2. Same members area review task wall review influearn task wall

3. Similar task wall (just different payout amounts)

Plus, they both pay out $50 for Youtube video "testimonials"

The fact that they are this closely similar just adds to the list of red flags for me.

4. May Sell Your Data

Sites like this usually have alternative motives where the owner not only makes money from your completing offers through a process of CPA (cost per action) marketing, but they can also make money by selling your data, such as email and name, and potentially phone number.

The more people they get to join their sites, the more money they make, and as long as you're adding referrals, you're adding to the problem. Payment Proof

At this moment in time, I have not come across a single user who has made income from and received it in their Paypal or bank account. 

Eventhough the site claims you can earn $10-50 per task, the lack of any payment proof suggests to me that those claims are 100% false and they don't actually pay their users.

Plus, considering that earning $150 shouldn't be too difficult on a site that pays $20 per task, you'd expect to find more payment proofs online, but I've not come across any!

However, if you believe you can prove me wrong, then be sure to leave your own experiences in the comments below.


  • Free to join - so you don't lose any money


  • Similar to other fake "GPT" sites
  • Misleading claims
  • High payout threshold
  • No payment proof
  • may sell your data
  • Waste of time

Final Thoughts - Is A Scam?

Thank you for making it to the end of this review.

Based on the information I've gathered from this site, along with other sites I've researched I believe that is a scam. 

There's nothing to suggest that Cashload will pay, and it's just another online scam targetting unsuspecting users who just want to make an honest income online.

I've done enough research on "make money online" opportunities, and used enough GPT sites, to have an idea when something is the real deal or not, and Cashload is definitely NOT the real deal.

As a result of these findings, I highly recommend you stay away from, and do not encourage others to join, even just to test it out, as you are just feeding people into this scam. 

Final Verdict: NOT Recommended Alternatives

If you're tired of scams and looking for a real legitimate way to make money online completing tasks, then here are some genuine options for you:

Want To Discover The Method I Use To

Earn $100+ In A Day?!

Let's discuss:

What did you think of this review?

What are your thoughts, Is a scam?

Are you able to make money online completing tasks? What sites and methods do you use to earn an income online?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.

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Overall Rating



  • Free to join so don't spend money


  • Misleading claims & Waste of time
  • Identical to other fake "GPT" sites
  • High payout threshold $150
  • No payment proof
  • May sell your data

Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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