Paul Getter’s Social Media Rockstar [REVIEW] – Is It Worth The Money? - Precious New Start

Paul Getter’s Social Media Rockstar [REVIEW] – Is It Worth The Money?

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Welcome to my Social Media Rockstar review.

Before we get started, I have a few questions for you...

Do you use Instagram?

Have you ever thought about getting paid to use Instagram?

If you've answered yes to those questions, then you may want to keep on reading...

Social Media Rockstar is an online course designed to help you grow your audience and profitably make money from your account as an affiliate.

But is it really true?

Can Social Media Rockstar really show you how to make money this way?

The fact you're on this page shows you're interested in discovering the truth, and wondering if it's really worth the high-ticket price. 

If that's the case, then I want to say "well done". It's important to be able to research any online opportunity before you invest any money. 

So, let's unravel this review...

Product Name: Social Media Rockstar


Owner: Paul Getter

Price: $197 + UPSELLS

Rating: 60/100

Type of Opportunity: Instagram + Affiliate Marketing

Verdict?  LEGIT (but might be too expensive for some)


What is Social Media Rockstar?

paul getter's social media rockstar review sales page

Social Media Rockstar is an online course that teaches members how to grow and make money with their Instagram profiles, using paid traffic. 

You'll be taught by Paul Getter who has been working with paid ads for many years and has worked with clients such as Les Brown, Neil Patel and Tai Lopez.

Therefore, he is definitely one of the guys to learn from. 

He has created a high-ticket course, with the aim of giving you the best content for making money online with Instagram. 

How Does Social Media Rockstar Work?

paul getter's social media rockstar review

Social Media Rockstar aims to help you learn how to start, grow and monetise your Instagram profile, using paid ads.

Using over-the-shoulder training videos, you'll discover how to:

  • Start an Instagram profile
  • Create or Outsource the right content
  • Use proper hashtags
  • Grow your profile with paid ads
  • Monetise your account with Affiliate Marketing

What's Included In The Training?

In the Social Media Rockstar training you can expect to find:

  • Over-The-Shoulder training videos
  • Emoticon and Tagging strategies
  • Training on how to use paid ads to grow your Instagram following
  • Guides on how to use lead magnets to build your list and turn them into affiliate commissions
paul getter's social media rockstar review training

Pricing + Upsells

paul getter's social media rockstar review pricing and upsells

Here's a breakdown of the pricing of Social Media Rockstar and the upsells that are included:

  • Social Media Rockstar (Main Product) - $197 (one time fee)
  • Upsell 1  - $47 for 30 days, then $197/month
  • Upsell 2 (Upsell 2) - $299 (one time fee) or $279/month

The Good...

  • Over-The-Shoulder Video Training - Using screencast recordings, you can see all the necessary actions step-by-step and follow it all at your own pace.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Taught By An Internet Marketing "Nerd" - Paul also brands himself as the "Internet Marketing Nerd", and there's good cause for it as he's helped clients grow their business successfully with the use of paid ads. He's helped successful entrepreneurs such as Les Brown, Grant Cordone, Neil Patel and Tai Lopez...some big names in the industry
  • Paul Getter is REAL - If you've visited my site before, chances are you've seen many reviews where the owners were completely fake. However, Social Media Rockstar is different, because Paul Getter is a REAL person. After writing so many reviews, this is very refreshing to see.
  • Little Hype - It's been a while since I reviewed a product that didn't have way too much hype and extreme income claims. Paul appears to be quite honest and open about how the business model works. 

The NOT So Good...

Despite this being a legitimate training platform and a legitimate way to make money online, there are a few things missing from this training that I'd like to touch on.

  • Mostly video training - May not be a problem for most people, but some people may like to have a mixture of both written and video training.
  • High-Ticket Course - The price of this course is quite high compared to other training platforms I've reviewed. The initial fee is almost $200, and if you purchase any of the upsells you could be spending an extra $346 + $197/month or $47 + $476/month. Anyone getting started online might not have the funds to access a course like this. So you'll need to look at what you can afford, and whether you currently trust/like the free content from Paul Getter already.
  • No Free Trial - Unfortunately, Social Media Rockstar doesn't offer a free trial. I've always been a fan of products/courses that give you a free (or low cost) trial to see the inside. Even if it was one or two videos to get a feel for the course, that would have been nice to see. 

Final Thoughts 

Thank you for taking the time to read through this Social Media Rockstar review. 

I hope it's given you some further insight into the training platform. 

So, is Social Media Rockstar worth the money?

I believe this course has the opportunity to help folks like you and me build a following on Instagram and monetise it for profit if you follow the training step-by-step and implement the advice given to you.

However, I feel the price of the course is quite high due to the monthly fees, especially for internet marketing beginners. 

Therefore, I'd encourage you to consider the costs before you sign up for this course.

Before investing in this platform, why not take a look through Paul Getter's free material. Figure out if you like his style of teaching, then you'll have a better idea of you'll benefit from his courses. 

Not only that but if you'd like to try it out, you can make use of the $47 for 30 days entry fee, study the videos and implement the training, then decide if you want to continue on with the monthly fee. 

Not sure if Affiliate Marketing is right for you? Keep on reading!

Here's Proof That Affiliate Marketing Works...

The basis of Social Media Rockstar, in regards to making money, is through the process of Affiliate Marketing.

So, if you've ever needed proof that Affiliate Marketing works, I want to share with you how it's been working for me, and countless others. 

Incase you didn't already know, Affiliate Marketing is a method of promoting other people's products and earning a commission when it sells. 

Affiliate Marketing has allowed me to earn income results like this...

affiliate marketing commission like this

Thanks to my #1 recommended training platformwhich is free to join, I've gained the necessary skills to generate affiliate commissions like the ones you see above. 

Not only that, but these 4 members are able to earn 4-figures every month thanks to Affiliate Marketing. 

Ultimately, I'm not sharing these to brag, but to give you a glimpse into the income potential that can be earned, thanks to Affiliate Marketing. 

You could very well make more than me, or you could make less than me. It all depends on your hard work and determination.

All in all, Affiliate Marketing is a business model that I know works very well.

Therefore, if you're looking for an alternative to Social Media Rockstar, and would be interested in Affiliate Marketing with a blog/website instead, then I'd encourage you to click the GREEN button below to discover more about my top recommended Affiliate Training program.

Let's discuss:

What did you think of this Social Media Rockstar review?

What are your thoughts on using Instagram to make money online?

Are you already an Instagram influencer? What methods do you use to earn an income with it?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.

Social Media Rockstar

$197 + Upsells
paul getter's social media rockstar review sales page

Overall Rating



  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Over The Shoulder Video Training
  • Training Taught By "Internet Marketing Nerd"
  • Owner is REAL
  • Little Hype


  • No Free Trial
  • High Ticket Course
  • Mostly Video Training

Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
mary juguiad - July 16, 2019

I have cancelled my application that cost me $7 last July 3, 2019 and until now I did not get my refund.
Please answer me.

    Stephanie - July 17, 2019

    Hi Mary, sorry to hear you haven’t received your refund yet. As you’re within the 30 days since you purchased the program you should be able to claim your refund via Clickbank. Therefore I would suggest you contact Clickbank support team regarding your refund. I hope this helps.


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