IG Profit Hack Review – Is It A Scam or Your Way To Earn $3,784 In A Week?! - Precious New Start

IG Profit Hack Review – Is It A Scam or Your Way To Earn $3,784 In A Week?!

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Welcome to my IG Profit Hack review.

How would you like to be able to earn up to $3,784 in the next 7 days...with only Instagram?!

The chance to exploit a $2.5 BILLION "honey pot"?

That's what the owner of IG Profit Hack claims you could make online.

But can he really teach you the exact methods to pocket $3000+ in a week?

The fact that you've reached this page shows that you're wondering if IG Profit Hack is a scam or not, and you want to uncover the REAL truth about this system. 

If that's the case, then I want to say "well done" for researching this program for yourself. It shows me you're serious about earning money online and want to find the best, most legit opportunity. 

So, without wasting any more time, let's unravel the hidden truth about IG Profit Hack...

Product Name: IG Profit Hack

Website: www.IGProfitHack.com

Owner: Joseph Paul (FAKE)

Price: $7

Rating: 10/100

Type of Opportunity: Instagram Marketing

Recommended?  NO 

ig profit hack review insta profit hack logo


What Is IG Profit Hack?

ig profit hack review insta profit hack sales page

IG Profit Hack (aka Insta Profit Hack), is a product available on Clickbank that claims to be able to show you how to profit up to $3000+ in a week, using Instagram.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms online and it's no surprise people are looking for a way to make money online with it. 

The problem that comes with this is that there are many "products" that claim to have the "secret" to making money with Instagram, and will exploit unsuspecting users into parting with their hard earned cash.

Continue reading to discover why I believe IG Profit Hack (or Insta Profit Hack) is one of those products...

How Does It Work?

Based on the sales page, it's not 100% clear how this product will actually be working. 

All that's clear is that it involves Instagram, but unfortunately, you won't discover more until you initially part with your $7.

Is IG Profit A Scam? 4 Considerations To Think About...

There are SO many red flags in this program, simply from the sales page alone. 

1. Overhyped & Unrealistic Income Claims

ig profit hack review insta profit hack overhyped income claims

Similar to other Clickbank products I've reviewed, the sales page has overhyped and unrealistic income claims.

Over $3k in just 7 days?! Really?!

For anyone getting started for the first time with Instagram, it is EXTREMELY unlikely you'll be making this much money right away, unless you're a huge celebrity or something. 

But for regular folks like you and me, this is a really overhyped and truly unrealistic income claim.

Not only that, but apparently you can achieve those results with no experience needed.

It doesn't take much time to realise that this is not true at all!

2. FAKE Testimonial

As well as overhyped income claims, there is also a fake testimonial on the site. 

Right at the bottom of the sales page, you've supposedly got "David Legg" giving a testimonial about the product and claiming he made $1,630 in only 4 days. 

fake testimonial

David's "testimonial" on IG Profit Hack

The problem with this is that the exact same image of him has been used on another "make money online" opportunity, and the guy's name seems to have changed from David to Allen.

ig profit hack review insta profit hack fake testimonial alternative name

David has now become Allen, and his "testimonial" is on another product

Not only that, but after more digging, it was clear that his image has been used on multiple sites, under different names.

If the "owner" can't even get a real testimonial, how can you trust that the product is the real deal?

3. FAKE "Owner"

ig profit hack review insta profit hack fake owner

Wow...not only is the testimonial fake, but the "owner's" name is FAKE too!

It's even mentioned within the small print at the bottom of the page. 

The name "Joseph Paul" is just a pen name!

How can you trust a program/system that's not honest about its name?!

That's it...you can't!

Furthermore, it's highly likely that you won't get any support from this product.

Who can you contact if the "owner" hasn't even provided you with a real name?!

4. Not 100% Clear How You'll ACTUALLY Be Making Money

If the overhyped income claims, fake name and fake testimonials weren't enough, as mentioned before, it's not even 100% clear how you'll be making money with this system. 

Other than the fact you'll be using Instagram, there's not much on the sales page to indicate how you'll be using it to make money.

All you know is you'll be getting access to a "full" guide...and for the $7 price tag, chances are you'll be getting an outdated ebook/PDF guide telling you what to do, but not showing you, over-the-shoulder, how to actually do it.


  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Unrealistic Income Claims
  • FAKE Testimonial
  • FAKE Owner
  • Not Clear How You'll Be Making Money

Final Thoughts

Congratulations on making it to the end of this IG Profit Hack review, and thank you for taking the time to read through it. 

So, Is IG Profit Hack A Scam?

Ultimately, I believe IG Profit Hack is another overhyped opportunity that makes false claims about how much money you can make online and has all the qualities of a scam.

The sales page isn't honest and open about what you'll be getting, and chances are you'll be spending $7 on an outdated ebook/PDF guide...and then bombarded with pricey upsells.

A $7 guide is not going to give you the "secrets" to profiting $3k in 4 days with Instagram!

To be successful with Instagram, you need to start with an engaged following, which takes time and consistency.

Sadly, more and more scam products like this are making their way onto Clickbank, such as this and this.

This means any of you looking for a legitimate "make money online" opportunity needs to be extra vigilant and continue to do your research, and avoid being scammed.

That is why I'm determined to write reviews like this to help users like you find the best, legit opportunities online. 

Tired of Scams?! Here's Something That Works...

If you're tired of scams, I want to share with you a process that's been working for me, and countless others. 

I earn an income online through Affiliate Marketing, which is basically a method of promoting other people's products and earning a commission when it sells. 

Affiliate Marketing has allowed me to earn income results like this...

affiliate marketing commission like this

Thanks to my #1 recommended training platform, I've gained the necessary skills to generate affiliate commissions like the ones you see above. 

Not only that, but these 4 members are able to earn 4-figures every month thanks to Affiliate Marketing. 

Ultimately, I'm not sharing these to brag, but to give you a glimpse into the income potential that can be earned, thanks to Affiliate Marketing. 

You could very well make more than me, or you could make less than me. It all depends on your hard work and determination.

All in all, Affiliate Marketing is a business model that I know works very well.

If that's something you believe you can do, then I'd encourage you to click the GREEN button below to discover more about my top recommended program.

Let's discuss:

What did you think of this IG Profit Hack review?

What are your thoughts on using Instagram to make money online?

Are you already an Instagram influencer? What methods do you use to earn an income with it?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.

IG Profit Hack

$7 + Upsells
ig profit hack review insta profit hack sales page

Overall Rating



  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Overhyped and Unrealistic Income Claims
  • FAKE Testimonial
  • FAKE Owner
  • Not Clear How You'll Be Making Money

Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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