Ecom Cash Crusher Review – A Scam Or The Secret To $2k a Day With Shopify? - Precious New Start

Ecom Cash Crusher Review – A Scam Or The Secret To $2k a Day With Shopify?

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Welcome to my Ecom Cash Crusher review.

Have you heard about all the people getting rich online from eCom?

It sounds like the ultimate way to get started online right?!

But is it really that easy to start an online store and start earning money?!

Well, Ecom cash crusher claims it has the product to help you become an eCom millionaire.

But wait, what’s the honest truth?!

Let’s uncover more in this Ecom Cash Crusher review... 

Product Name: Ecom Cash Crusher


Owner: "David Anderson"

Price: $37

Rating: 20/100

Type of Opportunity: eCommerce/Dropshipping

Recommended?  NO 

ecom cash crusher review logo


What Is Ecom Cash Crusher?

ecom cash crusher review salespage

Ecom Cash Crusher is an online platform that claims it can turn you into a millionaire with eCommerce, more specifically, Dropshipping. 

Not just that, but they also make bold claims such as "$8,957.48 in only 7 days".

I encourage you to keep on reading while I unravel my interesting findings...

How Does It Work?

Based on the sales video, it appears that you'll be learning how to make money online with Shopify and Dropshipping.

Other than that, it's not 100% clear what kind of training and tools you can expect in the members area.

Is Ecom Cash Crusher A Scam? 5 Truths EXPOSED...

There are SO many red flags in this program, simply from the sales video alone.

In my opinion, the fact that I was able to quickly identify these signs, indicates that this product will not work as well as they claim, and has clear signs of another overhyped product. 

1. Overhyped Income Claims

ecom cash crusher review overhyped income claims
ecom cash crusher review overhyped income claims 2
ecom cash crusher review overhyped income claims 3

The income claims are totally overhyped in the sales video. They claim you can earn $8k+ in only 7 days, with little work involved, but that's not the truth.

2. FAKE Testimonials

ecom cash crusher review fake testimonial

Similar to other online products I've reviewed such as this one, the sales video contains fake testimonials.

Just take a look at the screenshots above. The man featured in this testimonial is actually an actor hired from Fiverr to pretend to be a testimonial for this product. 

The fact is, it's not unfamiliar for products like this to hire fake actors and actresses, and the moment they do that they've lost all credibility for their product, in my opinion. 

3. Hidden Upsells

Unfortunately, Ecom Cash Crusher is one of those products that advertise a low entry fee and then surprises you with upsells right after you sign up.

Now, upsells are not uncommon in business, however, the trouble comes when you have a product like this that relies on upsells to scam you out of your money.

At first, it doesn't look like you'll be paying more than the $37, but after some digging, I managed to discover that affiliates of this "system" can earn up to $258 per customer. 

ecom cash crusher review hidden upsells

This is much more than the $37 entry fee which customers will be paying, which highlights the fact that there are more products being upsold after a buyer enters the front end offer. 

4. Can Sell Your Data To Third-Party Companies

ecom cash crusher review may sell your data

Not only have you got an overhyped sales with fake testimonials and hidden upsells, but the disclaimer also mentions that your data might be sold to third-party companies if you decide to input your email address. 

How can you really trust a program that's willing to sell your data in this way?!

That's why it's important to look at the small print of any platform before you choose to join. That way you can avoid being scammed online.

5. No Mention Of Additional Fees 

There are also additional fees you'll need to pay after you've signed up to Ecom Cash Crusher. 

For example, you'll need to pay for a Shopify membership, which has a monthly fee attached, so that's definitely more than the $37 entry fee.


  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Overhyped Income Claim
  • FAKE Testimonials
  • Hidden Upsells
  • May Sell Your Data To Third-Party Companies
  • No Mention Of Additional Costs

Final Thoughts

Congratulations on making it to the end of this Ecom Cash Crusher review, and thank you for taking the time to read through it. 

So, what's the Ecom Cash Crusher A Scam?

Unfortunately, I believe this product isn't all that it claims to be. They use scammy tactics to get you to hand over your hard earned cash.

This site is similar to other “scams” I’ve reviewed such as

  1. Fast Cash Club
  2. EB Formula
  3. AZ Sniper

Sadly, more and more products like this are making their way onto Clickbank.

This means any of you looking for a legitimate "make money online" opportunity needs to be extra vigilant and continue to do your research.

That is why I'm determined to write reviews like this to help users like you find the best, legit opportunities online. 

Despite this review, the method of Dropshipping is actually 100% legit, and there are real trainings/tutorials that can help you be successful with it, but I wouldn’t encourage anyone to hand their money over to the “owner” of this Ecom Cash Crusher

There are better courses out there, and owners who are worthy of your money, rather than those that use scammy tactics to sell their product. 

As a start, I would recommend going through the Shopify and Oberlo blogs to discover more about this Dropshipping and whether it’s the right way to make money online for you. 

Although Shopify and Dropshipping are legit ways to make money online, I personally use the method of Affiliate Marketing.

If you'd like to discover how I use Affiliate Marketing to make money online like this...

affiliate marketing commission like this

...then you should click the GREEN button below to get access to my FREE guide to making money online.

Let's discuss:

What did you think of this Ecom Cash Crusher review?

What are your thoughts on Dropshipping and eCommerce?

Are you already dropshipping? What are your tips for aspiring dropshippers?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.

Ecom Cash Crusher

$37 + Upsells
ecom cash crusher review logo

Overall Rating



  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Overhyped Income Claims
  • Hidden Upsells
  • FAKE Testimonials
  • May Sell Your Data To Third Party Companies
  • No Mention Of Additional Fees

Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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