AZ Sniper Review – Earn $64,890 in 6 Weeks?!…Don’t Believe The Hype! - Precious New Start

AZ Sniper Review – Earn $64,890 in 6 Weeks?!…Don’t Believe The Hype!

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Welcome to my AZ Sniper Review.

Did you manage to catch the title of this review?!

Just imagine being able to earn over $64,000 online with just a few clicks online every morning...

Well, that's what one "user" of AZ Sniper claims she was able to make in just 6 weeks of using this system.

And I imagine you're here because you're looking for an honest AZ Sniper review, and want to know if this program is going to be your financial life changer.

If that's the case, then I want to congratulate you on taking the time to research this opportunity for yourself.

So, is AZ sniper the opportunity you've been waiting for? 

Interested in discovering the answer to that question?

Then, read on to uncover the truth...

Product Name: AZ Sniper 


Owner: Stephen Ford (not confirmed)

Price: $37 (or $17 downsell) + Upsells

Rating: 1/10

Type of Opportunity: Using Amazon

Recommended?  NO 


What Is AZ Sniper?

az sniper review homepage

AZ Sniper is a "system" which claims it can help you make $1,500 a day using Amazon.

Despite the fact that they don't explain how you'll be making money, the "owner" makes very bold claims about the income can may expect to earn with this system.

But wait...there's more, so keep on reading!

How Does It Work?

The sales video makes it very clear that you'll be using Amazon to make money with this "system", however, it is not very clear what you'll be doing to actually make the money. 

As you probably know, Amazon is the #1 eCommerce platform online and is also a very popular platform for affiliates to make money online. 

Therefore, it's possible that the AZ Sniper business model is based on any of these 2 methods. 

If you are currently a member of AZ Sniper, please feel free to share your own personal experiences of this system in the comments section below. 

Is AZ Sniper A Scam? 5 TRUTHS Exposed...

AZ Sniper is very good at presenting itself as a legitimate opportunity due to the fact that they are using Amazon as their platform to make money online.

As Amazon is a very trusted website, one might think that AZ Sniper is associated with Amazon, however, this is not the case.

Plus, there are SO many red flags in this program that make me believe you will be wasting your time and money with this "system".

1. Overhyped Income Claims

az sniper review overhyped income claims

The income claims are totally overhyped in the sales video. They claim you can make $1,500 a day using their system, however, this kind of income takes time to earn online no matter which business model or system you use. 

Therefore, you are given a very false impression about what you can earn online as a beginner. 

az sniper review overhyped income claims 2

Not only that but as you go through the sales video you'll come across testimonials that also present overhyped income claims....such as the woman claiming she made $64,890 with a few clicks of the mouse each morning, in just 6 weeks of using this system.

It's not true!

2. No Details About What You'll ACTUALLY Be Doing?

As mentioned previously, there's no indication of how you'll actually be making money online with this system. 

All you know is that it'll be with Amazon. 

I believe, if they're going to be taking $37 from you, they should at least let you know how you'll be making money with them. 

This just raises a lot of red flags for me.

3. Fake Testimonials

Similar to other online products I've reviewed, like this one, the sales video contains fake testimonials. 

Not only that, but one of the guys giving the testimonial from this sales video also gives testimonials in other online scams such as this one, and this one

az sniper fake testimonial

Any program that needs to use fake testimonials is advertising a scam in my personal opinion.

If you're product/system was really legit then you'd have real people that would have tested the system and would be able to give honest and genuine reviews.

4. Upsells

Unfortunately, AZ Sniper is one of those products that advertise a low entry fee and then surprises you with upsells right after you sign up.

Now, upsells are not uncommon in business, however, the trouble comes when you have a product like this that relies on upsells to scam you out of your money.

At first, it doesn't look like you'll be paying more than the $37, but after some digging, I managed to discover that affiliates of this "system" can earn up to $287 per customer.

az sniper review upsells

This is much more than the $37 entry fee which customers will be paying, which highlights the fact that there are more products being upsold after a buyer enters the front end offer. 

5. No SSL Certificate


You may or may not know this, but a site with an SSL certificate is really important because it shows that their domain can be trusted in the eyes of Google. 

Whenever I look for a legitimate opportunity online, one of the first things I look at is the domain name. 

I noticed right away that AZ Sniper did not have the SSL certificate.

Any site that wants to operate legitimately would pay to have the SSL certificate for their domain name. 

I feel any site without an SSL certificate isn't trustworthy.


  • 60 Day money back guarantee


  • Overhyped income claims
  • Owner not confirmed
  • Fake testimonials
  • Upsells
  • No real information about how you'll be making money with Amazon
  • Times Circle
    No SSL Certificate

How I Make Money Online With Amazon

Despite the prevalence of overhyped "scammy" products, such as this one, there are still legitimate opportunities online.

I'm able to make money online with Amazon through Affiliate Marketing.

It's through Affiliate Marketing that I'm able to create niche websites and earn a monthly income online. Just take a look at the screenshot below which shows my monthly income increase dramatically over a 5 month period.

I followed the Wealthy Affiliate Training step-by-step and was able to grow my monthly earnings with one of my affiliate programs. are some other commission payments from other affiliate programs. 

I'm not sharing these to brag, but to give you a glimpse into the income potential that can be earned, thanks to Affiliate Marketing. 

Of course, your income could be more, or it could be less. As long as you know that there's no such thing as a "push-button" system.

All in all, Affiliate Marketing is a business that requires hard work and determination.

If that's something you believe you can do, then I'd encourage you to take a look Wealthy Affiliate for FREE, and discover why it's my #1 recommended training platform for beginners. 

Final Thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read this AZ Sniper review. 

As you can see from the truths revealed in this review, there are many red flags to watch out for. 

Unfortunately, more and more fake products like this are making their way onto the Clickbank marketplace.

This means any of you looking for a legitimate "make money online" opportunity needs to be extra vigilant and continue to do your research. 

Thankfully, there are genuine products out there, and with my in-depth reviews, I strive to help you find the right product for you :).

Now, here's what to do next...

Ask Yourself:

  • Is Affiliate Marketing a business model you want to get involved in? 
  • and...Would you like to follow in my footsteps? 


Then you should click the GREEN button below to get access to the starter membership today...completely FREE.

Let's discuss:

What did you think of this AZ Sniper review?

What are your thoughts on Affiliate Marketing?

Are you using Amazon to make money online? What methods do you use?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 10 comments
Hannes von Holtz - January 16, 2019

Hi Stephanie, I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate already and still busy with going through all the initial training steps and building a website. However,, I came across AZ Sniper and took the chance to enroll, paid the $37, ignoring all the up-sells and ended up becoming a member of Click bank. There everything stopped and no further communication. I am now requesting my $37 back and rather invest it becoming a full member of WA. Could you please be so kind and tell me how long it took you to make your first sale through WA?

    Stephanie - May 4, 2019

    Hi Hannes, thank you for sharing your experience. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get what you expected out of AZ sniper, but hope you were able to get your money back.

    WA is definitely a better place to spend your $37.

    I believe my first sale was 2-3 months after joining, however, I didn’t dedicate myself full time back then. If you’re able to go through the training and dedicate yourself more consistently, then you may be able to achieve those results faster.

    I hope this helps. All the best

Michael - October 18, 2018

Earn $64,890 in the first 6 weeks caught my attention off the gates. I knew what I was about to begin hearing. Great heading capture! It has fake written all over it, the unsecure website, the fake testimonials, the catch that its the big eccomerce platform. I’m surprised to have seen an actual “pro”, and the cons far outweigh the pro. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    Stephanie - November 16, 2018

    Hi Michael, thanks for commenting. Yea, it is quite an eye-catching claim, so just had to use it in the heading. I agree, programs like this just scream out scam!

Ahmad Ballard - October 18, 2018

Hello Stephanie, great honest review on AZ Sniper. I have been a victim of these scams in the past, promising me a lot of money for little work within a short period of time. I used to believe the hype, but it was all false, and I have ended up losing money. With WA, I believe that with hard work, I believe you can turn your passion into a full time opportunity. Thanks again, and continue to do what you do!!!

laurie - October 18, 2018

Great site thank you for sharing.I am sure it will stop alot of people from joining that online scam!thanks again

    Stephanie - November 16, 2018

    Hi Laurie, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope my review helps others stay away from this scam site. It’s not worth any money as you won’t make anywhere near what they’re claiming with their system.

    All the best!

Moni - October 17, 2018

Hi Stephanie, thank you for a very thorough review of AZ Sniper.

It’s clear to see this program is a scam with all its overhyped income claims.

Making money online is no different to making money offline they both require a lot of effort and time.

I hope people land up on your page and read this review before they become a victim of these scammers.

Great site… keep up the good work!

mohammed zahid - October 17, 2018

Thank you for your kind informative blog

    Stephanie - November 16, 2018

    You’re welcome Mohammed, thanks for commenting!


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