Is AppCoiner A Scam or Legit? - The REALITY May Surprise You... - Precious New Start

Is AppCoiner A Scam or Legit? – The REALITY May Surprise You…

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Welcome my AppCoiner review.

Quick question...

Do you love trying out new mobile apps?

Would you be more interested in testing out apps if you could get paid to do so?!

AppCoiner claims it can help you get paid to test the "hottest" new apps...but is it true, or is AppCoiner a scam?

The fact that you've reached this page shows me you want to discover the truth about AppCoiner before going further. 

If that's the case, then well done for making the decision to learn more.

So, stay tuned and let's uncover the reality of AppCoiner...

Product Name: AppCoiner


Owner: Unknown

Price: $17-$27

Rating: 3/10

Type of Opportunity: Affiliate Marketing

Recommended?  NO (very misleading sales page...not testing & reviewing apps in the way you'd expect)

is appcoiner a scam logo


What is AppCoiner?

is appcoiner a scam sales page

AppCoiner is a website that gives you the opportunity to get paid to test mobile apps and write reviews. 

However, the opportunity described on the sales page is very different to what you'll actually be doing once you get into the member's area. 

How Does AppCoiner Work?

is appcoiner a scam how it works

On the sales page, AppCoiner gives the impression that you'll be getting paid in 3 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Choose an app to test
  • Step 2: Write your review
  • Step 3: Get paid

But this couldn't be further from the truth!

Yes, you'll be choosing an app to test, and yes you'll be writing a review. However, the reality is, you'll be writing your reviews on a low quality website provided AppCoiner. 

Yes, that's'll be given a website, but in order to get paid, you need to promote the content on the website and get other internet users to download the apps before you can get paid.


Keep on reading to uncover more...

Is AppCoiner A Scam? Here's The REALITY...

There are a number of RED flags with AppCoiner that I feel it has scammy practices, although the method of making money here is legit. Let's find out more:

1. Misleading Information About How You'll ACTUALLY Make Money

As mentioned above, the AppCoiner sales page is very misleading about how you'll actually be making money reviewing apps. 

The reality is, you're going to be building your own affiliate website where you write app reviews and drive traffic to it.

Then, when someone buys a particular app from your website, you'll earn a commission

Here's a more realistic look at the steps involved:

  1. Choose an app to test
  2. Write a review on your AppCoiner hosted website
  3. Add affiliate links and banner ads to your website
  4. Promote/share your site
  5. Encourage visitors to click on your affiliate links and banner ads
  6. Get paid when a user downloads the app

This is just my quick run through the real process of AppCoiner, and as you can see, there's much more involved in getting paid through this method. 

Get access to the biggest online community of Affiliate Marketers...1.4M and counting

When you get inside the member's area you'll get access to a website where you'll be posting your review. But there are a few things you need to know about this website you'll be getting:

1. Everyone Has The Same Site Template

is appcoiner a scam example

All users of AppCoiner will have the exact same website layout, which means you won't get any originality.

The screenshot above is an example of what your site will look like.

Not only that, but you can't customise this pre-made template.

As a result, your content WILL NOT get ranked well on Google, so you won't even be able to generate search engine traffic. 

2. No Training On How To Get Traffic To Your Site

There's no real training on how to actually get visitors to your site and how to convert them into readers that will download the app you're reviewing. 

So, unless you know how to generate traffic, or have a big social following, you're going to get really stuck in making money with your review.

3. Your Website Is Hosted On "" Subdomain

The website you receive not only has a pre-made non-customisable template, but you also have your site hosted on "" subdomain. This means the website is NOT your own, and if anything happens to AppCoiner, you will lose all your hard work.

Instead, if you're looking to create an affiliate blog/website, I suggest going self-hosted.

4. You Won't Make Money Quickly

The AppCoiner sales page gives an impression that you can make money quickly testing website apps, but the method of building an affiliate website is one that takes time and requires dedication to keep it running.

So, if you're looking for a quick way to make some extra cash online, you won't find it in AppCoiner.

Instead, click here to discover my 12 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online (Without Taking Surveys). Here you'll find some real mobile apps you can use to make extra cash and a few other sites where you can test websites for $3-$15 per test.

2. Need To Pay A Fee To Join

is appcoiner a scam why they charge

Another red flag with AppCoiner is the fact that you need to pay money in order to join and test these apps. 

The business model is to create an affiliate website, and you don't need to pay $17-$27 in order to have a website and write reviews. Nor do you need to pay that to find mobile apps to review. 

So, in my opinion, there's absolutely NO need to pay a fee to join a program like this. 

3. Misleading Income Claims

is appcoin a scam misleading income calculator

The income claims on the sales page are very misleading.

On the sales page, you'll find an "income calculator" which "calculates" how much you could earn if you do a certain number of reviews. 

The problem with this is that the amount you earn on a review is all dependant on:

  • How much traffic you can get to your affiliate site
  • and How well you can convert that traffic into app downloads/sales

Unless you can master these 2 things, you'll struggle to make much money with AppCoiner

4. No Signs Of Payment Proof Online 

I've spent quite a bit of time researching this product and I've found no sign of any payment proof with AppCoiner.

That's mainly because AppCoiner won't be paying you directly. You'll be earning affiliate commissions from the apps that you test and review.

is appcoiner a scam product image

The Good...

  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Uses A Legitimate Business Model (Affiliate Marketing) 

The NOT So Good...

  • Income Calculator Gives Misleading Income Claims
  • Need To Know How To Generate Traffic And Convert Them Into Sales
  • No Training On Getting Visitors To Your Website
  • Every AppCoin User Has The Same Website Site and Subdomain
  • Difficult To Rank Website On Search Engines

How I Make Money Online Writing Product Reviews

Despite the prevalence of misleading products, such as this one, there is still hope and it is still possible to earn an income online.

The method of Affiliate Marketing is legit, but it's not as easy as some sites, like AppCoiner, claim it to be. 

If you're a beginner then you need the right training platform to get you started, and AppCoiner is not the right kind of platform.

Thanks to Affiliate Marketing that I'm able to earn a monthly income online.

Just take a look at the screenshot below which shows my monthly income increase dramatically over a 5 month period.

I followed the Affiliate Training step-by-step and was able to grow my monthly earnings with one of my affiliate programs. are some other commission payments from other affiliate programs where I'm able to make $100+ in a single day. 

I'm not sharing these to brag, but to give you a glimpse into the income potential that can be earned, thanks to Affiliate Marketing. 

You could very well make more than me, or you could make less than me. It all depends on your hard work and determination.

All in all, Affiliate Marketing is a business model that I know works very well if you have the right tools and training.

If that's something you believe you can do, then I'd encourage you to take a look my #1 recommended training platform for FREE.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read through this AppCoiner review, and congratulations on making to the end.

So, Is AppCoiner A Scam?!

Ultimately, AppCoiner uses scammy tactics and is very misleading in the way it presents the opportunity on the sales page.

An unsuspecting user thinks they'll be testing apps and writing reviews similar to sites such as, you'll really be building an affiliate website and can only earn money when you convert visitors into buyers. 

Although the method of Affiliate Marketing is legit, sadly, most people joining AppCoiner will not make any money as they do not have the necessary skills to build a website that converts and drive traffic to it.

Even if you're someone that knows how to do this, there are much more profitable ways to make money on your site.

What To Do Next...

So, if you'd like to give Affiliate Marketing a shot but would rather follow in my footsteps, click the GREEN button below to discover more about this opportunity. 

Discover How I Earn An Income Online From My Blog, Using Affiliate Marketing

Let's discuss:

What do you think, Is AppCoiner A Scam or Legit?

What are your thoughts getting paid to review apps and/or products online?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and experiences in the comments section below.


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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