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Paul Getter’s Social Media Rockstar [REVIEW] – Is It Worth The Money?

Welcome to my Social Media Rockstar review.

Before we get started, I have a few questions for you...

Do you use Instagram?

Have you ever thought about getting paid to use Instagram?

If you've answered yes to those questions, then you may want to keep on reading...

Social Media Rockstar is an online course designed to help you grow your audience and profitably make money from your account as an affiliate.

But is it really true?

Can Social Media Rockstar really show you how to make money this way?

The fact you're on this page shows you're interested in discovering the truth, and wondering if it's really worth the high-ticket price. 

If that's the case, then I want to say "well done". It's important to be able to research any online opportunity before you invest any money. 

So, let's unravel this review...

Product Name: Social Media Rockstar


Owner: Paul Getter

Price: $197 + UPSELLS

Rating: 60/100

Type of Opportunity: Instagram + Affiliate Marketing

Verdict?  LEGIT (but might be too expensive for some)

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Get Paid Through Social Media With MNFST App [Review + Payment Proof]

Welcome to my MNFST App Review.

Today I want to share with you an app that allows you to get paid to post on social media.

Yes, you read that right!

get paid through social media with manifest app mnfst app promo

There's a legit smartphone app that pays users to post on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 

If you've been looking for a way to earn some extra cash, with little to no work, then you've made it to the right place. 

Stay tuned to discover more about this app and keep an eye out for my payment proof!

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BEST Honest Sociible Review – An Inside Look Into This NEW Social Media Traffic System!

Welcome to my honest Sociible review.

If you've been interested in a way to generate unlimited FREE traffic from social media, without the hassle, then chances are you've stumbled across the name Sociible.

Unfortunately, you'll find a lot of reviews for Sociible are just other affiliates promoting it and saying how wonderful the product is, but it's hard to find an honest review that looks at all the features available and gives an in-depth account of the pros and cons of this product.

That's what I aim to do in my Sociible review today, so thank you for making it here.

Sociible offers the opportunity to allow you to generate free social media traffic, leads and sales without creating any content yourself.

Along with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), social media is one of the best ways to generate free traffic to your products/content and Sociible has created a tool to help you leverage that to generate more leads and sales. 

But, is Sociible the best tool for the job? Can it really "skyrocket" your traffic, leads and profits?

The fact that you've reached this review shows me 3 things:

  • You want to discover the truth about Sociible
  • You want to generate unlimited FREE traffic without relying on SEO
  • You want to increase your income without paying for ads or having technical skills

If any of these apply to you, then congrats on making it here, and I look forward to sharing my findings with you. 

So, let's not waste any more time and uncover the truth...

Product Name: Sociible


Owner: Han Fan and Joshua Zamora

Price: $1 7-Day Trial, then $27-$37 + UPSELLS

Rating: 6/10

Type of Product: Social Media Automation

Launch Date: 11th December 

Verdict?: LEGIT (but other alternatives also available and some concern about whether this method is ethical)

sociible review software
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LinkILike Review – Earn Money Online With Social Media [+ Payment Proof]

Do you love social media?

Updating your Facebook status, sharing your latest thoughts on Twitter, uploading your favourite pics on Instagram?

How great would it be if there was a way to actually earn money online with social media?

I know, it would be pretty great!

There are a few programs out there which allow you to do this, but in this post, I'll be sharing my review of LinkILike...with payment proof!

So, stay tuned and discover a new way to make some extra money online today...

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Upload2Profit Review – Is This The #1 Way To Profit With Social Media?

Have you ever thought about earning an extra income online using social media?

There are many different ways one can earn an income online with social media, and now a new product has been released which claims to teach you how to profit with your social media content. 

In this Upload2Profit review, discover if this product is the #1 way to profit with your Facebook and Youtube content, or if it's just another fluff product with no substance.

Product Name: Upload2Profit


Owner: John Annavi

Price: $17 OTO; No Upsells

Rating: 4/10

Launch Date: 28th June 2018

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How To Add Multiple Links On Instagram Using LinkTree


Have you ever wanted to add more than one link on Instagram, but never thought is was possible?

Whether you’re a blogger, online business owner, musician, or someone who wants to be able to share multiple content on Instagram, there’s a FREE online tool that lets you add multiple links on Instagram.

The tool I’m referring to is LinkTree.


What Is LinkTree?

LinkTree is a FREE online tool to help you optimise your Instagram traffic. Anyone can use this tool and it’s super easy to get set up.

You’re given one unique link to place within your Instagram bio, but you can add multiple link destinations to share with your followers.

Intrigued? Take a look at this quick step by step tutorial to show you how it works.


Step 1: Sign Up To LinkTree and Connect To Instagram

The first thing you need to do is head over to and sign up using your Instagram account. If you’re not already signed into Instagram you’ll be prompted to do so with LinkTree.


Step 2: Add Buttons/Links of the Websites You Want To Share

After signing in, you simply add the links you want to share on Instagram.


Once you’ve clicked “Add New Button/Link”, then you just add your link, and the title of the page.


Step 3: Change Theme/Colour Scheme (Optional)

You now have the option to change the theme/colour scheme. There are a few designs to choose from. If you’d like more customisation you would need to purchase the Pro plan.


Step 4: Copy and Paste LinkTree Link Onto Instagram Bio

Now that you’ve added your links and customised the theme, you will be given your unique LinkTree link which you will need to copy and paste over to your Instagram bio.

Copy LinkTree Link


Head over to your Instagram profile and “Edit Profile”


Paste the unique link in the “Website” section and save.


Step 5: Test All Your Links To Make Sure They Work Correctly

Once you’ve added your link and saved your profile, you’ll find it  in your Instagram profile. This is the link your followers will see when they visit your profile. Then finally, test all the links to make sure they’re working correctly.


It’s as simple as that!



FREE to join and use.

Pro – $6/month (includes more features)



  • FREE to join: LinkTree is free to join, and you can stay on the free plan as long as you like
  • Easy To Set-Up and Add Links: It’s super easy to set up your account and the links you want to share. Took me about 10 minutes to complete everything.
  • Multiple Theme Options
  • Integrates smoothly with Instagram



  •  Can’t add links to individual post: This probably isn’t much of a con because I don’t think there’s any tool out there which can do this, as Instagram doesn’t allow external links on posts. But for now you’re still able to add multiple links via your bio, which is the next best thing in my opinion.


Final Thoughts

So there you have it…how to add multiple links on Instagram using LinkTree. It’s the perfect tool for any blogger or online business owner(s) wanting to improve their Instagram traffic and marketing. I hope you’ve found this tutorial useful. If so, please comment and share with others.


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What are your thoughts on LinkTree?

Have you come across this tool, or similar tools before?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below


Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Review – Is It Worth The Money?

If you’re looking for an unbiased review of Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency program, then this is the place for you.

The aim of Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing agency program is to teach you how to utilise social media to make money online and start a business with it.

But can you really turn it into a $1,000-$10,000/month business? And is it really worth the money? Read on to find out…

Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency ReviewName: Social Media Marketing Agency

Price: Early bird – $697 one time fee; then will increase to $997

Owner: Tai Lopez

Rating: 8/10

Launch date: 23rd Jan 2017 12:01 am PST

Promo period: 23rd Jan 12:01 am PST to 29th Jan 23:59 pm PST (Early bird access $697 + 3 special bonuses)


[alert-announce]Interested? Watch the FREE video now to learn more about how to get started[/alert-announce]


What Is Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency?

Social Media Marketing Agency by Tai Lopez is a program that works towards training it’s members how to be social media experts and find small businesses that will pay to manage their social media.

It’s a 4-month program that aims to walk you through the process of getting your first client, step-by-step, within 120 days.

How It Works:

  • START: Form your first online marketing agency within 30 days
  • CLOSE: Convince small business owners to pay you, even if you’re new
  • SCALE: Outsource and automate your marketing agency, so you can have more freedom


Who is Tai Lopez and Is Tai Lopez A Scam Artist?

Tai Lopez is one of the top social media influencers who has been successfully making money online using social media. Just take a look at his social media followers and you can tell right away that he definitely has a presence and influence in the social media space. Tai’s current social stats are:

Twitter: 363K Followers

Instagram: 1.4 Million Followers

Youtube: 790k Subscribers

Facebook: 1 Million Page Likes

I personally feel that Tai Lopez is qualified to teach others how to use social media to make money for themselves, as he’s been doing it and is still doing it very successfully.

Is Tai Lopez is a scam artist?

Many people have asked this and different people have their own opinions. I personally feel that there are some things he does which can appear misleading.

Tai’s videos work well because he is “selling the dream”. The things we see in the videos such as the expensive Lamborghinis and the luxury homes are part of that dream of financial freedom. This is what gets his videos so much attention, and obviously he knows this, so he continues to “sell the dream”.

I don’t see anything wrong with sharing your successes with the world, so long as Tai, and others like him, are being honest about what they’ve got.

You’ll see multiple videos and articles that mention Tai rents out those luxury properties and the expensive cars, and it’s this lack of transparency that I believe seems to give people the impression that he is a scam artist.

I can understand this, and I can’t agree with everything he does. But I can agree that this guy is a successful influencer and has used social media to his advantage to be able to make money online and have a life that’s more financially free.

Tai has been featured in a number of online articles within It’s highly unlikely they would feature him on their sites, alongside other entrepreneurs, if he really was a scam artist.

You can check out a few of these articles written about Tai Lopez below:

These articles alone show how much influence he has within social media, so it makes sense to be able to trust his training and lessons in this field.

My thoughts on Tai Lopez: 

Personally, I feel his training/videos are quite motivating. I’ve recently started paying attention to his content, since hearing about his Social Media Marketing Agency program, and it has given me an additional drive to work harder towards my online business goals.

I definitely think that’s something many people need in their life. Someone who makes them feel motivated and makes them want to get up and do something with their life.

In the end, Tai Lopez’s training and videos will not be for everyone.


What You Will Learn

The main focus of Tai’s training is to teach you how to:

  • Get your first $1000/month client
  • Automate your social media marketing
  • Set up multiple types of pricing packages
  • Get the best equipment to use (e.g. phone, cameras, etc)
  • Make any business interested in your service
  • Brand yourself (be a storyteller)

You’ll also learn:

  • The right and best ways to use free videos to help any small business grow a highly engaged audience of followers on social media
  • How to choose a name for your company, domain and set up websites for getting clients
  • Set up marketing funnels so the small businesses can collect leads and monetise them over time
  • How to speak to business owners
  • Using quizzes to attract new leads
  • Setting up a social media sales funnel
  • Creating social media content people feel they need to like and share


Training: Month by Month

Month 1: Picking a Niche

Month 2: Mastering Social Media

Month 3: Learning How To Acquire High-Value Customers

Month 4: How To Service Your Customers and Manage Your Agency


should you get tai lopez's social media marketing agency program



Early Bird Price – $697 (this early bird offer runs from launch date until 29th Jan 2017 23:59 pm PST)

Regular Price – $997 (after the early bird promotion the program will go back to its regular price.)

All payments are one-time fees, with the option to pay in 4 monthly instalments of $299


Who is it For?

This program is suitable for people who are:

  • Interested in learning social media marketing and selling those skills
  • Wanting to start a genuine business
  • Able to afford the $697 or $997 price plans
  • Willing to work hard, and not looking for a “get rich quick” scheme
  • Determined to add value to their clients and help others in need.


Who is it NOT For?

This program will not suit you if you:

  • Cannot afford the price

There’s no need to invest this amount of money if you really don’t have it. You can still learn Social Media Marketing from online learning sites such as Udemy and Skillshare. It may take you longer to master social media, but these sites are more affordable.

  • If you don’t like social media

Although I feel you should start mastering social media if you’re looking to do business online…I don’t think this program will suit you if you really don’t like social media. But I would encourage you to get involved with social media for your business as that’s where things are progressing these days.

  • People who are really introverted and don’t like the idea of selling themselves door-to-door

It’s important to realise that you’ll have to be good at selling in order to make this really work for you, or at least be willing to learn how to sell yourself. So if you haven’t done sales before, it could be quite challenging. If you’re up for the challenge, that’s good. But if you’re someone who’s quite introverted, or you don’t like being heavily involved in sales, then this program may not really work for you.

  • Not a fan of Tai Lopez

Not everyone who’s come across Tai Lopez and his content will be a fan. So, if that’s you, then I don’t feel you’ll benefit from his program. If you’re not a fan of his free content, then I can’t imagine you’ll like his paid content much either. But ultimately, that’s up to you to decide.



There’s a dedicated support team within the program where you can ask questions and get help with any issues you may have. You can either call or email the support team.

Currently, it doesn’t look as if there’s a Facebook group or forum style community within the program to interact with other members, but I think there will be one in the near future.



  • Training From A Real Social Media Influencer

As mentioned above, Tai is definitely one of the top social media influencers. Therefore, you’ll be getting training from someone who really knows the ins and outs of social media, and how to turn it into a business/money making method.

  • Early Bird Offer.

Tai’s program has an early bird offer. So, if you are interested in this program, you have the opportunity to get it at a reduced price ($697) during the promotional period.

  • Free Video About How To Get Started.

There is a Free video on the sales page by Tai that shares a bit about how to get started. So if you’d like to find out more about the program you can watch the video free here.

  • You Don’t Need To Resell The Program In Order To Make Money

A lot of online programs these days require you to resell the same program in order to actually make money with it. But with Tai’s program, it actually shows you how you can make money on your own, using his training, to help you set up a genuine business.

  • Solves a Major Problem for Small Businesses

The goal behind this training program is to give you the skills to help small business solve a genuine major problem. Many local/small business don’t have a social media strategy, email marketing strategy or even a website. So your current skills/the skills you will learn can actually help them, and businesses are willing to pay for people like you to do that.

  • You Don’t Really Need Any Official Qualifications To Offer Your Services

Social media is still considered a new thing, so you won’t really find many university degrees or college courses that offer in-depth social media marketing training. So you don’t need to have any certified proof to be able to offer your services. As long as you can provide value and examples of how you can help these businesses, you’re likely to get 1 or more clients.

  • You Could Get A Client For “Life”

If you really help transform the marketing of just one small business, they could eventually be a long-term client and will continue to use you for their marketing needs. This could mean a regular additional income, or even full-time income, just from one client.

  • 120-Day Money Back Guarantee

Most programs give a 30 or 60-day money back guarantee, but with this program, Tai is actually offering a 120-day money back guarantee.

  • Includes 3 Special Bonuses (only available for early bird buyers): The bonuses are:
    • 1 FREE ticket to any Tai Lopez’s live events
    • Access to one of his latest programs
    • Your name and contact info will be added to a website dedicated to social media experts who have been trained by this program



  • No FREE trial

Unfortunately, this program doesn’t offer a free trial, so you’re unable to test the program out before you buy. However, they do offer a 120-day money-back guarantee. Also, if you’re familiar with Tai Lopez’s youtube videos, you can probably get an idea of the style of content you’ll receive in his online programs.

  • Some Additional Costs

It appears that there are additional costs involved with this program, that are not mentioned at all before you sign up. Some of the further costs include:

– Approximately $500 or so to register your business officially. However, it seems this is the cost if you choose to go through the company that Tai recommends. So it’s possible you could get it cheaper if you do your research and find other companies.

$170 to create a website. It appears they encourage you to use Squarespace for the website builder and GoDaddy for the domain & hosting packages. In my experience, GoDaddy is pricier than other providers, and I personally only recommend GoDaddy for registering a domain. And I would recommend purchasing a hosting plan with Namecheap.

Purchasing a logo, business cards, other subscriptions (e.g. Squarespace) etc

Adding all these costs together definitely makes a difference to the initial price point of $697 (or $997, depending on when you purchase). So hopefully knowing about these costs will give you better insight into whether you’d still like to purchase this training program.

  • You Will Be Selling Yourself 

For some this won’t be a negative, but if you’re not confident with sales then you may find it difficult to get through this program. Like I mentioned before, you need to have selling skills, or at least be open to learning the right skills to market yourself to small businesses. So you need to be confident or comfortable with selling yourself and your services.



Social Media Marketing Agency vs My #1 Recommendation

I’m an active member of Wealthy Affiliate and I personally like to recommend this program because it provides you with a training platform that allows you to learn how to earn an income online through Affiliate Marketing. It gives you access to the right tools and training to help you get started.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a different service to Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency, but I wanted to share it here because I think it’s a program that will benefit some people looking to make an income online. Affiliate Marketing gives you the opportunity to earn a real full time or part time income online, and you can still incorporate social media marketing, without having to sell it. You can focus on things you enjoy, and Wealthy Affiliate helps you achieve that.

Take a look at my comparison table below:


Based on the comparison table you may be wondering why I’ve given Tai’s program a rating of 8 out of 10. Tai’s program offers different training to Wealthy Affiliate and the goals are quite different too. Tai’s program is solely focused on creating a business around social media and acquiring clients online and offline. Overall, it offers lots of value and training for that business model.

However, Wealthy Affiliate is focused more on Affiliate Marketing and turning that into a business online.

So, if you’re looking for an alternative to Tai’s program then I’d definitely recommend checking out Wealthy Affiliate (in-depth review here)

Here are some of the main differences between Social Media Marketing Agency and Wealthy Affiliate:

  • FREE Starter Membership. You have the opportunity to try out the program for free.
  • The Business Model is Affiliate Marketing rather than social media marketing (although it does include training on this).
  • You’re Taught How to Set up a WordPress site and Monetise it at an affordable price. The premium membership of Wealthy Affiliate includes top class hosting and features, and you can host up to 50 websites.
  • Overall the program is More Affordable. It has a monthly cost is $49, and you get regular updated training that you can use for years and years, with many new and impressive rolling out soon.
  • There’s a Huge Online Community. With this community, you can get lots of support from other members, and you can contact the owners of the program directly.
  • You can Apply the Training to Multiple Passions and Niches.



If you join me at Wealthy Affiliate, as a special bonus you’ll get your first premium month for only $19. That’s over 59% discount. It’s a great way to really test out the premium membership and see if Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

However, you can always get started with the FREE membership first.


My Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for an online business training program, you may be wondering if Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency is the best online program for you. Well, I think it offers the right training for this social media business model. I feel that Tai Lopez’s program will provide you with the necessary tools and resources to be able to reach out to potential clients and start your agency business.

Essentially, this is a choice you’ll need to be able to make for yourself, and I hope I’ve been able to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision with this review.

Is Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency program worth the money? YES!, if you’re interested in turning social media skills into a business, but just remember that there will be some additional costs involved that could be quite pricey depending on your budget.

If you’re not keen on social media and using it as a way to make money…or Tai Lopez, then No, this program will not be worth your money.

So essentially it depends on what you’re looking for when it comes to starting an online business. I feel this program will definitely work for some people, and for others, it’s just not what you’re looking for.

Overall, if you can fully apply the training and work hard with this program, I believe you could make your money back, and much more, and gain important skill sets to really succeed in this business.

If you’re interested in joining and would like to watch the FREE video, click the button below:

Join Social Media Marketing Agency   


As an alternative, you can sign up to my #1 recommended online program for a FREE starter membership:

   Join Wealthy Affiliate FREE   



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6 Easy Ways To Make Your Website Content More Social!

ways to make your website content more socialIn this day and age social media has become a major part of our lives. According to there are 2.3 billion active social media users, and internet users have an average of 5.54 social media accounts. That’s a lot people you could potentially reach with your blog and business using different social media platforms. So, if you haven’t already, now is the time to make your website content more social and help your business grow online.

Some of the top social media accounts include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest 
  • Google +
  • Youtube
  • …to name a few


Why is this important for your website and your business?

Social media is a great way to market your content and/or services, and build useful relationships.  We live in a world that is driven by social media, therefore you definitely don’t want to avoid the opportunities that social media can bring to your business. Below are some of the reasons why social media is so important:

For Traffic:

You can share your blog on your social media accounts to increase the traffic coming into your site. One of my top traffic sources is Pinterest, and being more active on that account has had a positive impact.

As a Marketing Tool:

Using social media can be a good way to create instant updates with your followers, and create buzz around your brand.


You can interact with like minded individuals and network with other people in your field/niche. You can share ideas and/or maybe even work together.

To Help You Build An Online Presence:

Having a successful blog takes time to build authority, but having active social media accounts with many followers can increase your credibility and lets people see you are someone who knows what they’re talking about.

To Increase Your Learning:

You can learn a lot with the information you come across via social media. Being active on social media means you’re likely to stay up-to-date about things happening within your niche.

So now that you’ve understood why social media is important, it’s time to know how to actually make your site more social. If you’re not sure how to do this, don’t worry as I’m about to share with you 6 easy ways to make your website content more social and easier for your readers to share your content.


1) Create Quality Content

First and foremost, you need to create quality content if you ever what it to get shared. Give your readers an article that’s worth sharing. Don’t forget to also make it relevant and readable.

Also, it’s important to keep your site content updated regularly and provide your readers with helpful information. That’s what I always aim to do with every post I create.


2) Use Social Sharing Plugins 

Using social plugins makes sharing your content much easier for your readers. I’ve seen many websites online that don’t make use of social plugins, and it puts me off sharing because there’s no easy method to do so.

Most people visiting your site won’t have the time to copy your website link and manually input into their social media, therefore you need an easily accessible plugin to make your content more shareable.




I personally like to use the Simple Share Buttons Adder plugin, but there are many to choose from such as:

I usually like to place the social sharing buttons at the bottom of my post, and you’ll see the same buttons below this post.


3) Use ‘Click to Tweet’ Plugin

This TweetThis plugin allows you to create text that you would like your readers to share on twitter. This plugin is free to download and can easily be installed onto your website. It’s a really good plugin to have because it very easily encourages sharing within you content. Below is an example:



You can also use the Click to tweet   plugin for the same purpose. Whichever plugin you choose will depend on personal choice.


4) Invite Readers To Connect With You

One thing I highly encourage is letting your readers connect with you via social media. The best way to do this is to link your social media accounts to your theme and have them appear on your site. If someone really likes your blog/website then they’ll be more likely to follow you on social media as well.

As you can see from the screenshots below, I have links to my Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Youtube channels around my site as I like to make it easy for people to be able to follow and interact with me on social media.





5) Social Media Widgets

You can add widgets to your site that will further allow users to connect with you on social media, and show users your latest social media posts. It’s also a really good way to show your readers what to expect when they join you on your social media platforms. Some examples include adding a Pinterest board to showcase your latest pins, or a twitter widget to display your latest tweets.


6) Encourage Your Readers To Share and Comment

To get more shares and comments you can kindly ask your readers to do so. Encourage your readers to engage and interact with you further and always try to respond when you can. I usually just leave a little message asking readers to comment by sharing their experiences of a product/program, or any questions they might have.
On that note, I hope you found my article on 6 ways to make your website content more social useful. If so, please feel free to share, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment in the section below.

Have you implemented any of these methods onto your blog/website? Do you have a favourite tip? Is there an important tip that I left out? Feel free to share your experiences and comments below.


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