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What Is Print Profits? – The Only “Print On Demand” Training You Need!

In this Print Profits review, I'm going to help you answer the questions, "what is print profits all about?", "what training can I expect to find?", and "is it all good value for money?" 

Product Name: Print Profits


Owner(s): Fred Lam and Michael Shih

Price: $997 OTO or 3 x $397 installments

Rating: 8/10

Launch Date: 5th July

Closing Date: 23rd July


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Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Review – Is It Worth The Money?

If you’re looking for an unbiased review of Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency program, then this is the place for you.

The aim of Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing agency program is to teach you how to utilise social media to make money online and start a business with it.

But can you really turn it into a $1,000-$10,000/month business? And is it really worth the money? Read on to find out…

Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency ReviewName: Social Media Marketing Agency

Price: Early bird – $697 one time fee; then will increase to $997

Owner: Tai Lopez

Rating: 8/10

Launch date: 23rd Jan 2017 12:01 am PST

Promo period: 23rd Jan 12:01 am PST to 29th Jan 23:59 pm PST (Early bird access $697 + 3 special bonuses)


[alert-announce]Interested? Watch the FREE video now to learn more about how to get started[/alert-announce]


What Is Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency?

Social Media Marketing Agency by Tai Lopez is a program that works towards training it’s members how to be social media experts and find small businesses that will pay to manage their social media.

It’s a 4-month program that aims to walk you through the process of getting your first client, step-by-step, within 120 days.

How It Works:

  • START: Form your first online marketing agency within 30 days
  • CLOSE: Convince small business owners to pay you, even if you’re new
  • SCALE: Outsource and automate your marketing agency, so you can have more freedom


Who is Tai Lopez and Is Tai Lopez A Scam Artist?

Tai Lopez is one of the top social media influencers who has been successfully making money online using social media. Just take a look at his social media followers and you can tell right away that he definitely has a presence and influence in the social media space. Tai’s current social stats are:

Twitter: 363K Followers

Instagram: 1.4 Million Followers

Youtube: 790k Subscribers

Facebook: 1 Million Page Likes

I personally feel that Tai Lopez is qualified to teach others how to use social media to make money for themselves, as he’s been doing it and is still doing it very successfully.

Is Tai Lopez is a scam artist?

Many people have asked this and different people have their own opinions. I personally feel that there are some things he does which can appear misleading.

Tai’s videos work well because he is “selling the dream”. The things we see in the videos such as the expensive Lamborghinis and the luxury homes are part of that dream of financial freedom. This is what gets his videos so much attention, and obviously he knows this, so he continues to “sell the dream”.

I don’t see anything wrong with sharing your successes with the world, so long as Tai, and others like him, are being honest about what they’ve got.

You’ll see multiple videos and articles that mention Tai rents out those luxury properties and the expensive cars, and it’s this lack of transparency that I believe seems to give people the impression that he is a scam artist.

I can understand this, and I can’t agree with everything he does. But I can agree that this guy is a successful influencer and has used social media to his advantage to be able to make money online and have a life that’s more financially free.

Tai has been featured in a number of online articles within It’s highly unlikely they would feature him on their sites, alongside other entrepreneurs, if he really was a scam artist.

You can check out a few of these articles written about Tai Lopez below:

These articles alone show how much influence he has within social media, so it makes sense to be able to trust his training and lessons in this field.

My thoughts on Tai Lopez: 

Personally, I feel his training/videos are quite motivating. I’ve recently started paying attention to his content, since hearing about his Social Media Marketing Agency program, and it has given me an additional drive to work harder towards my online business goals.

I definitely think that’s something many people need in their life. Someone who makes them feel motivated and makes them want to get up and do something with their life.

In the end, Tai Lopez’s training and videos will not be for everyone.


What You Will Learn

The main focus of Tai’s training is to teach you how to:

  • Get your first $1000/month client
  • Automate your social media marketing
  • Set up multiple types of pricing packages
  • Get the best equipment to use (e.g. phone, cameras, etc)
  • Make any business interested in your service
  • Brand yourself (be a storyteller)

You’ll also learn:

  • The right and best ways to use free videos to help any small business grow a highly engaged audience of followers on social media
  • How to choose a name for your company, domain and set up websites for getting clients
  • Set up marketing funnels so the small businesses can collect leads and monetise them over time
  • How to speak to business owners
  • Using quizzes to attract new leads
  • Setting up a social media sales funnel
  • Creating social media content people feel they need to like and share


Training: Month by Month

Month 1: Picking a Niche

Month 2: Mastering Social Media

Month 3: Learning How To Acquire High-Value Customers

Month 4: How To Service Your Customers and Manage Your Agency


should you get tai lopez's social media marketing agency program



Early Bird Price – $697 (this early bird offer runs from launch date until 29th Jan 2017 23:59 pm PST)

Regular Price – $997 (after the early bird promotion the program will go back to its regular price.)

All payments are one-time fees, with the option to pay in 4 monthly instalments of $299


Who is it For?

This program is suitable for people who are:

  • Interested in learning social media marketing and selling those skills
  • Wanting to start a genuine business
  • Able to afford the $697 or $997 price plans
  • Willing to work hard, and not looking for a “get rich quick” scheme
  • Determined to add value to their clients and help others in need.


Who is it NOT For?

This program will not suit you if you:

  • Cannot afford the price

There’s no need to invest this amount of money if you really don’t have it. You can still learn Social Media Marketing from online learning sites such as Udemy and Skillshare. It may take you longer to master social media, but these sites are more affordable.

  • If you don’t like social media

Although I feel you should start mastering social media if you’re looking to do business online…I don’t think this program will suit you if you really don’t like social media. But I would encourage you to get involved with social media for your business as that’s where things are progressing these days.

  • People who are really introverted and don’t like the idea of selling themselves door-to-door

It’s important to realise that you’ll have to be good at selling in order to make this really work for you, or at least be willing to learn how to sell yourself. So if you haven’t done sales before, it could be quite challenging. If you’re up for the challenge, that’s good. But if you’re someone who’s quite introverted, or you don’t like being heavily involved in sales, then this program may not really work for you.

  • Not a fan of Tai Lopez

Not everyone who’s come across Tai Lopez and his content will be a fan. So, if that’s you, then I don’t feel you’ll benefit from his program. If you’re not a fan of his free content, then I can’t imagine you’ll like his paid content much either. But ultimately, that’s up to you to decide.



There’s a dedicated support team within the program where you can ask questions and get help with any issues you may have. You can either call or email the support team.

Currently, it doesn’t look as if there’s a Facebook group or forum style community within the program to interact with other members, but I think there will be one in the near future.



  • Training From A Real Social Media Influencer

As mentioned above, Tai is definitely one of the top social media influencers. Therefore, you’ll be getting training from someone who really knows the ins and outs of social media, and how to turn it into a business/money making method.

  • Early Bird Offer.

Tai’s program has an early bird offer. So, if you are interested in this program, you have the opportunity to get it at a reduced price ($697) during the promotional period.

  • Free Video About How To Get Started.

There is a Free video on the sales page by Tai that shares a bit about how to get started. So if you’d like to find out more about the program you can watch the video free here.

  • You Don’t Need To Resell The Program In Order To Make Money

A lot of online programs these days require you to resell the same program in order to actually make money with it. But with Tai’s program, it actually shows you how you can make money on your own, using his training, to help you set up a genuine business.

  • Solves a Major Problem for Small Businesses

The goal behind this training program is to give you the skills to help small business solve a genuine major problem. Many local/small business don’t have a social media strategy, email marketing strategy or even a website. So your current skills/the skills you will learn can actually help them, and businesses are willing to pay for people like you to do that.

  • You Don’t Really Need Any Official Qualifications To Offer Your Services

Social media is still considered a new thing, so you won’t really find many university degrees or college courses that offer in-depth social media marketing training. So you don’t need to have any certified proof to be able to offer your services. As long as you can provide value and examples of how you can help these businesses, you’re likely to get 1 or more clients.

  • You Could Get A Client For “Life”

If you really help transform the marketing of just one small business, they could eventually be a long-term client and will continue to use you for their marketing needs. This could mean a regular additional income, or even full-time income, just from one client.

  • 120-Day Money Back Guarantee

Most programs give a 30 or 60-day money back guarantee, but with this program, Tai is actually offering a 120-day money back guarantee.

  • Includes 3 Special Bonuses (only available for early bird buyers): The bonuses are:
    • 1 FREE ticket to any Tai Lopez’s live events
    • Access to one of his latest programs
    • Your name and contact info will be added to a website dedicated to social media experts who have been trained by this program



  • No FREE trial

Unfortunately, this program doesn’t offer a free trial, so you’re unable to test the program out before you buy. However, they do offer a 120-day money-back guarantee. Also, if you’re familiar with Tai Lopez’s youtube videos, you can probably get an idea of the style of content you’ll receive in his online programs.

  • Some Additional Costs

It appears that there are additional costs involved with this program, that are not mentioned at all before you sign up. Some of the further costs include:

– Approximately $500 or so to register your business officially. However, it seems this is the cost if you choose to go through the company that Tai recommends. So it’s possible you could get it cheaper if you do your research and find other companies.

$170 to create a website. It appears they encourage you to use Squarespace for the website builder and GoDaddy for the domain & hosting packages. In my experience, GoDaddy is pricier than other providers, and I personally only recommend GoDaddy for registering a domain. And I would recommend purchasing a hosting plan with Namecheap.

Purchasing a logo, business cards, other subscriptions (e.g. Squarespace) etc

Adding all these costs together definitely makes a difference to the initial price point of $697 (or $997, depending on when you purchase). So hopefully knowing about these costs will give you better insight into whether you’d still like to purchase this training program.

  • You Will Be Selling Yourself 

For some this won’t be a negative, but if you’re not confident with sales then you may find it difficult to get through this program. Like I mentioned before, you need to have selling skills, or at least be open to learning the right skills to market yourself to small businesses. So you need to be confident or comfortable with selling yourself and your services.



Social Media Marketing Agency vs My #1 Recommendation

I’m an active member of Wealthy Affiliate and I personally like to recommend this program because it provides you with a training platform that allows you to learn how to earn an income online through Affiliate Marketing. It gives you access to the right tools and training to help you get started.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a different service to Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency, but I wanted to share it here because I think it’s a program that will benefit some people looking to make an income online. Affiliate Marketing gives you the opportunity to earn a real full time or part time income online, and you can still incorporate social media marketing, without having to sell it. You can focus on things you enjoy, and Wealthy Affiliate helps you achieve that.

Take a look at my comparison table below:


Based on the comparison table you may be wondering why I’ve given Tai’s program a rating of 8 out of 10. Tai’s program offers different training to Wealthy Affiliate and the goals are quite different too. Tai’s program is solely focused on creating a business around social media and acquiring clients online and offline. Overall, it offers lots of value and training for that business model.

However, Wealthy Affiliate is focused more on Affiliate Marketing and turning that into a business online.

So, if you’re looking for an alternative to Tai’s program then I’d definitely recommend checking out Wealthy Affiliate (in-depth review here)

Here are some of the main differences between Social Media Marketing Agency and Wealthy Affiliate:

  • FREE Starter Membership. You have the opportunity to try out the program for free.
  • The Business Model is Affiliate Marketing rather than social media marketing (although it does include training on this).
  • You’re Taught How to Set up a WordPress site and Monetise it at an affordable price. The premium membership of Wealthy Affiliate includes top class hosting and features, and you can host up to 50 websites.
  • Overall the program is More Affordable. It has a monthly cost is $49, and you get regular updated training that you can use for years and years, with many new and impressive rolling out soon.
  • There’s a Huge Online Community. With this community, you can get lots of support from other members, and you can contact the owners of the program directly.
  • You can Apply the Training to Multiple Passions and Niches.



If you join me at Wealthy Affiliate, as a special bonus you’ll get your first premium month for only $19. That’s over 59% discount. It’s a great way to really test out the premium membership and see if Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

However, you can always get started with the FREE membership first.


My Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for an online business training program, you may be wondering if Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency is the best online program for you. Well, I think it offers the right training for this social media business model. I feel that Tai Lopez’s program will provide you with the necessary tools and resources to be able to reach out to potential clients and start your agency business.

Essentially, this is a choice you’ll need to be able to make for yourself, and I hope I’ve been able to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision with this review.

Is Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency program worth the money? YES!, if you’re interested in turning social media skills into a business, but just remember that there will be some additional costs involved that could be quite pricey depending on your budget.

If you’re not keen on social media and using it as a way to make money…or Tai Lopez, then No, this program will not be worth your money.

So essentially it depends on what you’re looking for when it comes to starting an online business. I feel this program will definitely work for some people, and for others, it’s just not what you’re looking for.

Overall, if you can fully apply the training and work hard with this program, I believe you could make your money back, and much more, and gain important skill sets to really succeed in this business.

If you’re interested in joining and would like to watch the FREE video, click the button below:

Join Social Media Marketing Agency   


As an alternative, you can sign up to my #1 recommended online program for a FREE starter membership:

   Join Wealthy Affiliate FREE   



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No Brainer Profit System Review – Is It Really A “No Brainer”?

no brainer profit system reviewI happened to stumble across this program a few months ago online, and was interested initially because of the name “No Brainer Profit System”.

I actually decided to invest some time into this program for a few weeks, as it was free to join, and I wanted to see whether or not it really was a “no-brainer” system.

This is my No Brainer Profit System Review.

Name: No Brainer Profit System (NBPS)


Price: Free to Join; Bronze $7; Silver $47; Gold $97 ; Platinum $497

Owners: Andy Luong and Chuck Nguyen

Rating: 7/10


What Is The No Brainer Profit System?

The No Brainer Profit System is a training platform designed to help people who want to learn affiliate marketing, how to build an email list, and/or build multiple streams of income online. The program is primarily aimed at new internet marketers, however, there is a lot of content available for more experienced online marketers as well.

The NBPS is completely free to join, and as you go through the free training you can choose to purchase any of the 4 levels that will unlock a collection of more advanced training videos, which I will discuss in further detail below.


Who Are Chuck and Andy?

Chuck and Andy are 2 Australian internet marketers that have been successfully making money online for many years. They are the owners of this online training program, as well as many others, which have received many positive reviews. They also offer a lot of valuable content online through their Blog and Youtube channel. With this program, both owners are accessible through Skype and social media, primarily Facebook.



The program introduces itself as a free to join program with optional upgrade levels.

Over in the members home area, you’ll watch a video that helps to introduce you into the system and shares the importance of List Building in creating a successful online business. You’re given an idea of how the NBPS will help you build a list and how you can use that list to promote your affiliate offers.

After watching the video on the home page you’re encouraged to join the private access Facebook group and introduce yourself. I feel this is a nice way to interact with other members of the NBPS community and get additional help in your business. You can also connect with Andy and Chuck directly on Facebook, and have a free Skype consultation with Andy too.


Step 1: Setting Up Your System

no brainer profit system setting up your systemThe first video presented here is all about how to set up your system correctly before actually driving traffic to the system, and you’re given a more in-depth overview of why building a list is so effective. It’s clear from this point that the initial aim of the training is to help you build an email list which you can then use to promote relevant affiliate products.

Once you’ve completed this video you’ll find a further 4 videos that will guide you step by step in setting up your system and connecting it to either Getresponse or Aweber.

The training here is relatively basic in my opinion. For someone who is familiar with affiliate marketing and online business, the information and training here will probably not be new, however, I did gain a few little nuggets of information here and there.

If you’re a complete beginner, I believe this step will allow you to learn some valuable information about list building and how to set up an email autoresponder, for free.

Once you’ve completed the system set up, you can then start working on building your list (provided you know how to get targetted traffic).

If you’re familiar with driving traffic to a capture page then you’ll probably have no issues getting people to join your list, and I found I was getting a decent number of email subscribers. However, if you’re a beginner then it’s very probable that you’ll struggle with this, and unfortunately, there is no free training within the NPBS to help you get targetted traffic.

That’s where the Bronze Level comes in…


Step 2: Bronze Level (30 days to $10K)

no brainer profit system bronze levelThe Bronze Level costs $7 (one-time payment), and this will allow you to begin earning commissions with the NBPS. Before you potentially invest in the Bronze Level you can watch a video that will give you a little introduction of what to expect.

The bronze level focuses on getting targetted traffic to your capture page. Finding targetted visitors is an important part of being successful online and in affiliate marketing. The thing I like about the training videos is that they’re not just for helping you promote the NBPS, it can be used to help you promote other affiliate products/programs.

The Bronze Level is set as a 30-day plan, so you can watch 1 video a day and implement the tasks set for that day. This is great if you’re in a full-time job or taking care of a family and might not have a lot of time, so you can go at your own pace.

The first few videos will focus on your mindset and goals, then the next few days will work on free traffic methods which you can start implementing easily.

As you continue on you’ll be further introduced to paid traffic methods. This is probably more likely to suit seasoned affiliate marketers and people who have more available money to spend on these methods. Whichever situation you are in you are likely to find a few traffic methods that you’ll be able to utilise and get traffic to the NPBS, or any other affiliate product you may wish to promote.

Overall, I was very happy to make the $7 investment for the Bronze Level, and I feel I learnt some additional traffic methods which helped with building my email list.

Once you’ve purchased the Bronze Level you’ll then be able to start earning 100% commissions for the level. All you have to do is get your account approved and sign up to the program that your commissions are paid into…Zaxaa. There’ll be a video which you can watch and follow step by step to set up your affiliate commissions and your Zaxaa account. This process won’t take too long, and it’ll allow you to start earning when you promote your affiliate link.

I would have preferred if they paid directly via Paypal, but so far it looks like Zaxaa is a legitimate payment platform, and you can even link your Paypal account to receive payments.

Can this course really get you to $10k in 30 days? Maybe…maybe not. Either way, I feel the content was still worth the $7 investment.


Step 3: Silver Level (The Ultimate Bundle)

This is essentially 3 courses rolled into one. You’ll be able to watch an introduction video to get an idea of what to expect from the Silver Level. The Silver Level costs $47 (one-time payment), and you’ll be able to earn 100% commissions.

The 3 courses include:

28 Day Affiliate Challenge:

The aim of this training is to teach you how to pick a profitable niche, find a good affiliate product to promote, how to create a lead magnet to build your list with the help of squeeze/capture pages, and how to create high converting emails and drive traffic to your offers.

Easy-Commission Hacks:

These videos aim to show you how to leverage some programs to earn commissions with little or no competition.

Casy Study Vaults:

When you go through these collections of videos you’ll see how Andy was able to promote his affiliate products and earn affiliate commissions case by case. You can see the steps he took to make money online through affiliate marketing. This will be beneficial for those who are looking for someone to follow step by step to achieve the same or similar results.


Step 4: Gold Level (Authority Academy)

no brainer profit system gold levelThe Gold Level costs $97 (one-time payment) and you’ll be able to earn 100% commissions. Before you potentially invest in the Gold Level you can watch a video that will give you a little introduction of what to expect.

This level is focused on how to become an Authority in your niche

6-Figure Blogging Shortcuts (8 videos):

Here you’ll learn how blogging can help you become an authority in your business and how to interact with other bloggers and affiliate marketers to boost your authority.

Instant Authority Shortcuts (20 Videos):

With these videos, you’ll be taught how to set yourself up as a trustworthy brand. The information provided should help you in any niche and is not just specific to internet marketers.

Intensive Product Launch Academy (48 Videos):

The videos in this section will focus on how to put your product into a market place and create a product launch. This section is presented by Chuck Nguyen, the  co-owner of this system.


Step 5: Platinum Level (Super Affiliate Academy)

no brainer profit system silver levelThis part of the system shares with you how you can create multiple income streams. You learn how to create a domain and set up hosting to build a niche website, how to set up TeeSpring campaigns to sell t-shirts, and how to make money with Youtube.

The Platinum Level costs $497 (one-time payment), and this will allow you to begin earning $250 commissions.

Affiliate Marketing Fundamentals (13 videos)

Building Profitable Niche Sites in 2016 (59 videos)

Youtube Marketing For Affiliate Marketers (31 videos)

Building A High Quality & Responsive Email List (30 videos)

TeeSpring Marketing (46 videos)

CPA Marketing Fundamentals (11 videos)

Plenty of Fish (CPM) (14 videos)

Pay Per View (14 videos)

Media Buying (Banner Ads) (9 videos)

Bing Ad Center (PPC) (12 videos)

As you can see from the list, the Platinum membership offers a huge amount of value. So if you’re able to afford the $497 price tag, then I believe you’ll be gaining a lot of quality training which you can implement into your business and get positive results from these 239 lessons. Luckily there is a 14-day money back guarantee if you decide that the training is not for you. Additionally, if you need more information before joining you can always get in contact direct with the owners to find out more.


Tools & Resouces

Choice of 5 capture pages to promote the system

no brainer profit system capture pages

Done For You Traffic Packages:

The program allows you to buy traffic through the system. They claim to be able to provide quality clicks to your capture page. I haven’t purchased any of the clicks, so I can’t comment on the quality or if they’ll give you any commissions. The average cost is $100-120 for 100 clicks.


They recommend autoresponders such as Getresponse and Aweber. If you don’t have an account with either of these providers then you can easily join and access their 30-day free trial. It’s especially great if you’re just trying out NBPS and want to get started with setting up your system correctly.


Who Is No Brainer Profit System For?

This program is suitable for:

  • Complete beginners – I think beginners will benefit more from the free membership and the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels (if you choose to purchase them).
  • Experienced internet marketers – Those who are experienced will most likely benefit from the Platinum level as it is more in-depth and discusses multiple income streams.
  • Those looking for affordable affiliate marketing training – I think it’s affordable in the sense that some levels are low-cost, and there are no monthly fees. But ultimately it’s up to you to decide how much you can afford.


Who Is No Brainer Profit System NOT For?

This program is NOT for anyone looking for a “get rich quick scheme”. Although there is an opportunity to make good money from this, you have to be willing to put in the work and effort to go through the training and take appropriate action.



There are a few different ways to get support for the system. There’s a little blue support button below which you can use to type a message. I actually used this once and unfortunately didn’t get a response. Update: I have now received a response, and Chuck kindly apologised for the delay, and even offered a little freebie!

no brainer profit system support 1

You can also get support access with each level you unlock.

no brainer profit system support 2

Furthermore, you can get support from the Facebook group. If need be you can also contact Chuck and/or Andy directly through Facebook.

no brainer profit system Facebook group

I haven’t tried to request support using the last 2 methods, so unfortunately, I can’t comment fully on the response time. If I do require additional support I will update this page.



I think the program offers a very good pricing structure. It’s free to join, and you can remain a free member as long as you like and just focus on building your email list. There are no monthly fees, so you’re not tied down, and on most levels, you can earn 100% commissions if you choose to unlock those levels. I will break down the pricing structure below:

1. Free

2. Bronze Level: $7 One Time Payment

3. Silver Level: $47 One Time Payment

4. Gold Level: $97 One Time Payment

5. Platinum Level $497 One Time Payment



Newbie Friendly

Free to Join

One Time Payment

If you choose to purchase any of the different levels you’ll only have to make a one-time payment. Therefore you’re not tied to any monthly fees.

Shows you how to set up your Autoresponder

I already knew how to do this, but if you’re someone who’s new to autoresponders and email marketing then I think this is helpful training to have.

Access to Private Facebook Group

I like that there is a community where people of this system can interact with other members. So far I haven’t seen a massive amount of interaction, but there is some and it’s helpful to see how others are doing with the system. The owners also provide some advice and updates on the program which is useful. I would personally prefer the community system to be available within the actual program to avoid having to switch between tabs, but at least there is a community available.

Video Tutorials

There are many training videos available which means it is easy to watch the owner as he completes the different tasks, and follow them step by step.

Easy Way To Help You Build An Email List

I felt that the NBPS allowed me to build an email list quite quickly. I did promote the program using a few different free traffic methods and was able to start building an email list just using the squeeze pages provided. There are a choice of 5 pre-designed squeeze pages and 7 different email swipes to help you promote the program.

I found that trying to build my list with NBPS allowed me to really understand the importance of building a list and I began focusing more on my email marketing strategy. I was able to improve my autoresponders for my site and for the NBPS, and I’m still learning what methods will work for me.

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Low Ticket Priced Training with Valuable, Actionable tasks

The paid training starts at a low cost of $7, and it’s a one-time payment. This is one of the lowest prices I’ve seen for a program like this, especially for a one time fee. I especially like that there are no monthly charges, which means you can get good value for a low price.


Not Much Training in Free Membership

I think there is some good value offered in the free membership, however, it was pretty basic, and you won’t be directly profiting from this information unless you upgrade to the other levels. If you’re mainly focused on building your list with the program, then this might not bother you as much.

Some Levels Are Too Costly, Especially for Beginners

Most people will probably be able to afford the $7, however, after that, it might be too costly for some people.

Not Much Training on How to Build a Website/Blog in the Free Training:

I didn’t see any training on how to build a website or a blog, however, the NBPS doesn’t require you to build a website in order to promote the system.  The main training for creating a blog/website is only available in the Platinum Level, which costs $497 to join, so that might not suit your budget. I personally already know how to create a blog, and it’s even possible to create a website for free. You can start now by entering a cool name for your blog in the box below.


FURTHER READING: Create a FREE website in 60 seconds

FURTHER READING: Self-Hosted Vs Free Blog: What’s The Difference?

Doesn’t Pay Affiliate Commissions Directly via PayPal

Despite this, you can still link your Paypal account to Zaxaa in order to receive commission payments.

Some of the Content in the Videos Does Not Match What is Actually Present In The Program

This can make things a bit confusing as there are features seen in the videos which are not actually available in the current program. For example the video for the “done for you traffic” package provides the cost of traffic for Diamond level, however, there is no longer a diamond level in the system. Although the videos were created before changes were made in the program, I think the videos should either be updated, or there should be text somewhere on the site to clarify why the videos are different from what is currently available in the system.

No Written Training

All the training in the NBPS is presented as videos. I personally like to have the option of both, so I was a bit disappointed with the lack of written content.


My Experience

I feel this program has really helped me with building my email list and understanding the importance of it, however, I have not yet had a chance to test whether I can earn affiliate commissions from this list. Currently, my main goal is to work on building my list and I’m glad to see this is helping me do so.

I also decided to purchase the Bronze Level as I felt the program could offer value, and I felt that $7 really was a “no brainer”. (Note: I haven’t purchased any of the other levels).

Overall, I’m happy to promote a product like this because it offers a lot of value, and for the most part, it’s not too expensive.


Is No Brainer Profit System The Best Online Program For You?

Essentially, this is a choice you need to make for yourself, and I hope my review has been able to give you the opportunity to make an educated decision.

FURTHER READING: 6 Simple Ways To Find The Best Make Money Online Program For You!

I think the NBPS is better looked at as training program rather than just another “make money online” system. I feel that overall there is some quality training available in this program and the chance to learn methods that you may not find anywhere else, for the price.

Below is a table I use to personally help me decide whether a program like this is worth joining.

is no brainer profit system the best make money online program for you


My #1 Recommendation

I definitely believe that the NBPS has a lot to offer, and I’m also glad that the program can be used as a training platform.

If you’ve gone through this review and concluded it’s not for you, and you’re looking for an alternative, then I want to introduce you briefly my #1 recommended online training program. I am an active member of Wealthy Affiliate, which is a program you can join for FREE and remain a free member for life if you choose too.

The Wealthy Affiliate FREE membership includes:

10 Lesson Course:

You’re automatically enrolled onto Wealthy Affiliate’s “Online Entrepreneur Certification: Getting Started” – You have access to 10 lessons which teach you how to get started online and set up your website. ( As well as the “Affiliate Bootcamp” course)

2 FREE websites:

You can create 2 websites completely free when you sign up to Wealthy Affiliate, and you get access to premium hosting and support for your sites.

Personal Help & Support:

When you sign up for free, you don’t just get help and support from me personally, you also get assistance from other members of the community, and even from the owners. You have access to live chat for the first 7 days, and you really get to have a feel for the program and what to expect if you decided to upgrade.

Earn commissions as a FREE member

With the Wealthy Affiliate program, you can even earn commissions as a free member if your referral upgrades to premium. Additionally, commissions get paid via Paypal.


How does NBPS compare to Wealthy Affiliate?

wealthy affiliate vs no brainer profit system


Special Wealthy Affiliate Bonus

If you join me at Wealthy Affiliate, as a special bonus you’ll get your first month for only $19. That’s over 59% discount. It’s a great way to really test out the premium membership and see if Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

However, you can always get started with the FREE membership first. Check out my review here.


My Final Thoughts

There you have it, my No Brainer Profit System review, and I hope I’ve been able to give you a balanced overview of what it offers.

I believe this is a very good program for anyone new wanting to learn affiliate marketing, and even for those who are more experienced. I especially like that it is free to join, and you can get a feel for what the program will provide from watching the free training videos.

Despite the many positives of this training program, I will be using it solely for list building, and if I make affiliate commissions on the bronze level then that will be an added bonus.

My recommended program is Wealthy Affiliate and I feel that it is an all round excellent program with so much to offer. It’s a monthly membership, but there is always new training being added and the site has been running for more than 11 years with huge success and as an active member of Wealthy Affiliate I have been making monthly commissions and learning how to build a successful affiliate marketing business online.


If you feel NBPS is for you then click below to join free:

Join No Brainer Profit System FREE   


You could get started with my #1 recommended training program for FREE:

   Join Wealthy Affiliate FREE   

Have you tried out The No Brainer Profit System? What have your experiences been? Did you find this review useful? Feel free to share your comments, or any questions you may have in the section below. 


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Jaaxy Review – What is the Jaaxy Keyword Tool About?

Name: Jaaxywhat is the jaaxy keyword tool about


Price: Free Trial (30 searches), Pro ($19/month), Enterprise ($49/month)

Owners: Kyle and Carson

Rank: 8/10


What Is Jaaxy?

Jaaxy is an advanced keyword tool that offers a collection of features to allow you to take your Keyword research to the next level. With this review, I want to share with you the ins and outs of the Jaaxy keyword tool, as well as share my experiences with the program.

You’re probably on this page because you’ve been looking for a Keyword Research tool to help you with your online business. Whether your business is Affiliate Marketing, Youtube or eCommerce, keyword research plays a big part in improving your business.

In my previous post, I discussed the Alphabet Soup Technique as a free method to find new keywords, but this post is all about Jaaxy and why it’s my recommended Keyword Research Tool online.


What’s Included?

Search Keywords

The main aspect of the Jaaxy platform is to help you find quality keywords, and as you go through the program you’ll learn how to pick the best keywords based on the data provided. Below I will briefly break down what each piece of data means, while using “best men shaving razors” as an example keyword.

how to search keywords on jaaxy

Avg: This is the amount of searches that are made per month for the particular keyword. For example, the keyword “best men shaving razors” can expect to have 199 monthly searches

Traffic: This shows the number of visits you’ll get to your website if you achieve first-page ranking. For example “best men shaving razors” has a traffic amount of 34.

QSR (Quoted Search Results): This shows the number of competing pages available online for that chosen keyword. In regards to Jaaxy, a QSR of less than 400 has a good chance of getting ranked. For example “best men shaving razors” has a QSR of 12, which means this keyword is likely to get ranked well on search engines.

KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator): This represents how much quality there is for your chosen keyword. Based on Jaaxy, a KQI that is green is a good quality keyword. For example “best men shaving razor” is has KQI which is green, which means it’s a good quality keyword.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): An SEO score will show you how likely you are to rank on the first page of google. The score is between 1-100, and the higher the score the more likely it is for you keyword to rank on the first page of Google. For the keyword “best men shaving razors”, the SEO score is 98, which makes it an overall good keyword to rank for.

Domain Search: This feature allows you to see the availability of domains for your chosen keyword.

Related: On the right-hand side, you’ll see a list of additional keywords that are related to your current keyword. This gives you the opportunity to research more potential keywords, and allow you to dig deeper into your niche.

Overall, using Jaaxy, we can see that a keyword term such as “best men shaving razors” would be a good quality keyword and would very likely rank on the first page of Google.


Alphabet soup

The Alphabet Soup section of Jaaxy allows you to find additional keywords for your niche by utilising the letters of the alphabet. When searching up a keyword, Jaaxy will provide you with a list of new keywords that you can use to brainstorm some content ideas for your site or some new ideas for products to review. The image below shows an example of the Jaaxy Alphabet Soup tool in action.

alphabet soup technique with jaaxy

Jaaxy Alphabet Soup Keyword Research



The ‘Brainstorm’ feature of Jaaxy is another section that gives you additional keywords. It allows you to have even more potential keywords for your niche. You can further use the ‘Brainstorm’ tool to make a list of ideas you come up with and add them to your “Brainstorm queue”, which you can then go on to do full research on.


Affiliate Programs

The Affiliate Programs tool allows you to search for affiliate programs for your niche. It’s a great way to get started with some affiliate programs when you don’t know where to go. This tool provides affiliate programs within Linkshare, Clickbank, Commission Junction and Digital River. When this tool generates your options, you get to have an overview of the affiliate program and what it has to offer in regards to things such as the commission amount. The image below gives an example of the Affiliate Programs tool in use.

jaaxy affiliate programs tool


FURTHER READING: How To Find The Best Affiliate Programs For Your Niche (Step by Step)


Site Rank

The Site Rank tool is a favourite feature of mine because it allows me to see how well my chosen keywords are doing in regards to Google ranking. It allows gives me proof the Jaaxy platform is helping my business. Below is an image which shows the ranking of one of my top blog posts.

jaaxy site rank tool



Jaaxy offers training videos to help you understand how to use the platform, and well as how to carry out keyword research. It also shows you how you can do website research analysis to give you insight into your competition, using the Search Analysis section.

jaaxy traning

Jaaxy Training Videos


Jaaxy Bonuses

The Jaaxy platform also offers 3 free downloadable bonuses which you can utilise for your keyword research purposes. (Available for Pro and Enterprise members).


jaaxy bonus

Free Jaaxy Downloadable Bonus


Who is Jaaxy For?

Jaaxy is a very useful tool for a lot of different online business and for people at different levels. Below is a list of the types of people who can benefit from this platform:

  • Those looking for new quality keywords
  • Bloggers and Website owners looking for new content ideas
  • Those looking for a new niche that’s profitable
  • Affiliate Marketers wanting to find new affiliate programs for their niche
  • Pay per click advertisers
  • Internet Marketers who want to know how their sites are ranking on Google for specific keywords
  • …. and much more



There are 3 pricing structures for the Jaaxy program:

  • Free (30 searches)

With the Free trial, you get 30 keyword searches, and you’ll be able to try out the program using those searches. This is a great way to just test out the platform and decide whether it’s something you’d want to use for your keyword research.

  • Pro ($19/month)

The Pro membership is a great option if you’re quite new to keyword research, but want to take full advantage of the whole jaaxy platform. Even if you’re not so new to keyword research I think it’s still a cost-effective option to choose. I’m currently using the Pro membership and feel it provides all the features I need for my business so far.

There are 2 price plans for the Pro membership, you can either pay $19 a month, or you can choose to pay $199 per year (this gives you a $29 saving)

  • Enterprise ($49/month)

The Enterprise membership is more suitable for power users. If you regularly compile lists and lists of keywords for multiple sites/customers, then this may be the option for you.

There are 2 price plans for the Enterprise membership, you can either pay $49 a month, or you can choose to pay $499 per year (this gives you a $89 saving)

jaaxy pricing structure

Jaaxy Pricing Structure



  • Offers a FREE trial with 30 searches – you can test out the Jaaxy program for free
  • Find new high-quality keywords for your niche
  • Find multiple new niches that are profitable
  • Find affiliate programs based on your keyword
  • Check your site ranking
  • Different priced memberships to fit your budget
  • Easy to use platform with training videos provided
  • No software to download or install
  • Fast and reliable support
  • Very useful tool for different expertise levels
  • Provides reliable results



Like with most programs and tools, there are some aspects of Jaaxy that could be improved:

  • The lower memberships have slow speed, so it can sometimes feel time-consuming. – However, I don’t feel this has been too much of an issue for me personally.
  • The bonus downloads are slightly outdated – Despite this, they still provide useful information and some more tips on how to fully understand Jaaxy and use it to its full potential.
  • There are some features that you may not use very much – For example. I currently don’t use the “Search Analysis” feature too much, but I’m glad the option is there and included in the membership in case that changes.


My Experience With Jaaxy

I’ve been using Jaaxy for over 3 months and I’ve had very positive results from the tools offered within the program. The image below shows that I’ve been able to rank on 1st page of Google for a number of my chosen keywords, because of the tools provided with Jaaxy.

Rank 1st page on Google for my chosen keywords

Rank 1st page on Google for my chosen keywords


This next screenshot below shows how I was able to generate 30 keywords in just a few seconds, for an entirely new niche. This just shows how powerful the Jaaxy tool is in getting you quick results and new quality keywords. If I were to decide that this was the niche for me, I’d easily be able to do further in-depth research to get more quality results.

generate keywords fast using jaaxy

I generated 30 keywords using Jaaxy on a new niche!



Final Words

I hope you’ve been able to get an all round view of the Jaaxy Keyword Research tool, and that I’ve been able to answer the question “What Is The Jaaxy Keyword Tool About?”.  Hopefully, you’ve now found the tool you’ve been looking for to enhance your business.

Overall, Jaaxy isn’t just a tool to help you find quality keywords, it can also allow you to assess how well your keywords are doing in terms of ranking, and help you determine how profitable they are for your business.

You don’t just have to take my word for it, you can easily try it out for free and test the program for yourself. There’s nothing to lose.


Why not get started with your FREE trial today by clicking the button below

Try Jaaxy FREE Trial Today   

What are your thoughts on the Jaaxy Keyword Tool? Have you had much experience of this program? How has the Jaaxy platform helped you and your business? Feel free to share your comments in the section below.


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what about the jaaxy keyword tool review


Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work? – Wealthy Affiliate Review

Product Name: Wealthy Affiliatewealthy affiliate review 2016


Overall Ranking: 9.8/10

Price: – $0 Starter Membership (Join For FREE today)

      – $49 Premium Membership (no obligation to upgrade)

Owners: Kyle and Carson

Does Wealthy Affiliate Work In 2020? (UPDATE)

You may be here because you’ve been researching Wealthy Affiliate, and want to know whether it really works.

Well, you’re in luck, as I aim to give you my own personal in-depth review of this program and help you decided whether it’s worth your time.

If you keep reading, I’ll share a special bonus!

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Make A Dollar Online Today In 5 Easy Steps!

UPDATE: This site is no longer offering a $1 online, and is now known as

Instead, you can find out about my #1 Recommended program for anyone looking to start an internet/affiliate marketing business.


Today I want to share with you a website I came across that actually pays you to complete tasks. It’s called

For this particular post I will show you how you can use this website to make a $1 online, in just 5 easy steps.

I know a dollar doesn’t seem like much, but if you’re someone who’s never made money online, then a dollar could be all you need to kickstart your success. Even if you’ve made money online before, why not add an extra dollar to the bank, it’ll only take 5 minutes.

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