Make A Dollar Online Today In 5 Easy Steps! - Precious New Start

Make A Dollar Online Today In 5 Easy Steps!

This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to purchase something through one of my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

UPDATE: This site is no longer offering a $1 online, and is now known as

Instead, you can find out about my #1 Recommended program for anyone looking to start an internet/affiliate marketing business.


Today I want to share with you a website I came across that actually pays you to complete tasks. It’s called

For this particular post I will show you how you can use this website to make a $1 online, in just 5 easy steps.

I know a dollar doesn’t seem like much, but if you’re someone who’s never made money online, then a dollar could be all you need to kickstart your success. Even if you’ve made money online before, why not add an extra dollar to the bank, it’ll only take 5 minutes.


What you need to get started:

  • Internet
  • A Paypal account
  • A Facebook account
  • 5 minutes


Step 1:


Click this link, which takes you to the homepage, and then click the button “Click Here To Create Your Account Now”

make a dollar online in 5 minutes, make a dollar online

ShoeMoney HomePage


Step 2:


Create an account.

create an account with shoe money, make a dollar online

ShoeMoney: Create an account


Step 3:


Watch the first video, then click on “Click Here To Continue To Next Step” (approx 1 min. 20 sec.)

shoe money make a dollar online

ShoeMoney: Watch Video Then Continue


Step 4:


Watch the second video (approx 1 min. 43 sec.), log in to Facebook and share the link. Then click to verify you have shared your link

share link on Facebook, make money online with shoe money, make a dollar online with shoe money

ShoeMoney: Log in and Share On Facebook


Step 5:


Log in to Paypal and Get Paid!!! (Make sure your paypal account has been verified.)

shoemoney payment proof, shoemoney one dollar payment proof, shoemoney $1 payment proof, make a dollar online payment proof

ShoeMoney: $1 Payment Proof



shoe money you've been paid

ShoeMoney: You’ve Been Paid Confirmation



And there you have it! 5 simple steps to making a $1 online.



Going Further:


There is no obligation to go further with this, you can just take your dollar and move on (which is what I did).

However, if you’re interested in learning how to make money online through internet marketing, and you’ve never done it before, then you could definitely continue tasks.

The benefit of continuing is that you get to create your own website, and learn how to build an internet marketing business, and he pays you to complete the tasks.

However, you’ll need to be aware that you will pay for website hosting and an email autoresponder, via his affiliate link. The hosting will cost about $140 for 36 months of hosting. Now if you’ve always wanted to have your own website, and you’re interested in internet marketing, then you can give it a go. But, if you’re familiar with the world of internet marketing, I would personally not encourage it as it’s more suitable for beginners.

If you’d like to read a review before deciding to continue on with ShoeMoney, click here


Alternatively, you can find out about my #1 Recommended program for anyone looking to start an internet/affiliate marketing business.



How To Earn More Money?

You could either earn more by continuing with the tasks (as mentioned above).

Or you could earn more by referring others. You get given a special referral link, which you will share and get people to sign up through your link.

  • When you start you’ll be at  25%, which means that you’ll receive 25¢ of every member than earns a dollar.
  • When you get to 100% you’ll be able to make $1 for every member you sign up that earns a dollar.

So get your friends and family to join, and you can make some extra money. You can refer others by posting your link on social media accounts, such as Twitter and Facebook. If you have a youtube account you can create a video with your link in the description. If you have a blog, you can create a blog post (similar to what I have done) and get your readers to click your link.


Get started now by clicking the image below!

shoe money get started now


P.S. If you have any issues with watching the videos, try using a different browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox. (If you have any other issues you can get in contact with the support team at


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 4 comments
Shawn - April 6, 2016

Interesting. I am pretty skeptical by nature so it makes me wonder if there is something on the inside, but for the initial dollar that’s not a whole lot of work. I am truly fascinated by internet marketing and the countless things out there in this niche. Great post though!! Makes me want to look deeper and if I do I will go through your site 🙂

    Stephanie - April 10, 2016

    Hi Shawn! Yea I can totally understand your skepticism. I’m like that also. That’s why I wanted to show the process step by step so you can see that this is actually genuine. I know it’s only a dollar, but for some people, who’ve never made money online, this could be the boost they need to work hard at making money online. I definitely think it’s worth doing…it takes 5 mins and you get the money straight away. 🙂

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, and for choosing to go through my site, I really appreciate it. All the best!

Allison - March 3, 2016

I loved this article. Who knew you could truly make a dollar online in so few steps. The best part is that there is no catch. I have heard of this program before but never really looked into it. Thank you for explaining and going farther into detail. You really cleared up a lot of questions that I had. 25% commission is not bad for a program like this. That is very doable. I really love the options that referral links give you. You can reach soo many people on so many different types of social media that it is ridiculous. Do you have a Twitter account where I could follow you for updates as well? I’d love to read more from you. I am going to check out the rest of your site now. Have a great night!

    Stephanie - March 6, 2016

    Hi Allison. Yea I know! I didn’t think it could be so easy either. But then I gave it a try and it took less than 5 minutes to do. So I thought I should share it with others who are looking to make money online. Although it’s only a dollar…a dollar may be all someone needs inorder to start being successful online. This is could be all one needs to clear their doubts about whether making money online is possible. If not, then there’s nothing wrong with having an extra dollar to hold, for little to no work involved :).

    That’s great! I’m really glad to hear the explanation was easy to follow for you. If you have any further questions about this article, or the program please feel free to ask.

    You can follow me on twitter by clicking here.

    Wishing you all the best!


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