Jaaxy Review - What is the Jaaxy Keyword Tool About? - Precious New Start

Jaaxy Review – What is the Jaaxy Keyword Tool About?

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Name: Jaaxywhat is the jaaxy keyword tool about

Website: www.Jaaxy.com

Price: Free Trial (30 searches), Pro ($19/month), Enterprise ($49/month)

Owners: Kyle and Carson

Rank: 8/10


What Is Jaaxy?

Jaaxy is an advanced keyword tool that offers a collection of features to allow you to take your Keyword research to the next level. With this review, I want to share with you the ins and outs of the Jaaxy keyword tool, as well as share my experiences with the program.

You’re probably on this page because you’ve been looking for a Keyword Research tool to help you with your online business. Whether your business is Affiliate Marketing, Youtube or eCommerce, keyword research plays a big part in improving your business.

In my previous post, I discussed the Alphabet Soup Technique as a free method to find new keywords, but this post is all about Jaaxy and why it’s my recommended Keyword Research Tool online.


What’s Included?

Search Keywords

The main aspect of the Jaaxy platform is to help you find quality keywords, and as you go through the program you’ll learn how to pick the best keywords based on the data provided. Below I will briefly break down what each piece of data means, while using “best men shaving razors” as an example keyword.

how to search keywords on jaaxy

Avg: This is the amount of searches that are made per month for the particular keyword. For example, the keyword “best men shaving razors” can expect to have 199 monthly searches

Traffic: This shows the number of visits you’ll get to your website if you achieve first-page ranking. For example “best men shaving razors” has a traffic amount of 34.

QSR (Quoted Search Results): This shows the number of competing pages available online for that chosen keyword. In regards to Jaaxy, a QSR of less than 400 has a good chance of getting ranked. For example “best men shaving razors” has a QSR of 12, which means this keyword is likely to get ranked well on search engines.

KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator): This represents how much quality there is for your chosen keyword. Based on Jaaxy, a KQI that is green is a good quality keyword. For example “best men shaving razor” is has KQI which is green, which means it’s a good quality keyword.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): An SEO score will show you how likely you are to rank on the first page of google. The score is between 1-100, and the higher the score the more likely it is for you keyword to rank on the first page of Google. For the keyword “best men shaving razors”, the SEO score is 98, which makes it an overall good keyword to rank for.

Domain Search: This feature allows you to see the availability of domains for your chosen keyword.

Related: On the right-hand side, you’ll see a list of additional keywords that are related to your current keyword. This gives you the opportunity to research more potential keywords, and allow you to dig deeper into your niche.

Overall, using Jaaxy, we can see that a keyword term such as “best men shaving razors” would be a good quality keyword and would very likely rank on the first page of Google.


Alphabet soup

The Alphabet Soup section of Jaaxy allows you to find additional keywords for your niche by utilising the letters of the alphabet. When searching up a keyword, Jaaxy will provide you with a list of new keywords that you can use to brainstorm some content ideas for your site or some new ideas for products to review. The image below shows an example of the Jaaxy Alphabet Soup tool in action.

alphabet soup technique with jaaxy

Jaaxy Alphabet Soup Keyword Research



The ‘Brainstorm’ feature of Jaaxy is another section that gives you additional keywords. It allows you to have even more potential keywords for your niche. You can further use the ‘Brainstorm’ tool to make a list of ideas you come up with and add them to your “Brainstorm queue”, which you can then go on to do full research on.


Affiliate Programs

The Affiliate Programs tool allows you to search for affiliate programs for your niche. It’s a great way to get started with some affiliate programs when you don’t know where to go. This tool provides affiliate programs within Linkshare, Clickbank, Commission Junction and Digital River. When this tool generates your options, you get to have an overview of the affiliate program and what it has to offer in regards to things such as the commission amount. The image below gives an example of the Affiliate Programs tool in use.

jaaxy affiliate programs tool


FURTHER READING: How To Find The Best Affiliate Programs For Your Niche (Step by Step)


Site Rank

The Site Rank tool is a favourite feature of mine because it allows me to see how well my chosen keywords are doing in regards to Google ranking. It allows gives me proof the Jaaxy platform is helping my business. Below is an image which shows the ranking of one of my top blog posts.

jaaxy site rank tool



Jaaxy offers training videos to help you understand how to use the platform, and well as how to carry out keyword research. It also shows you how you can do website research analysis to give you insight into your competition, using the Search Analysis section.

jaaxy traning

Jaaxy Training Videos


Jaaxy Bonuses

The Jaaxy platform also offers 3 free downloadable bonuses which you can utilise for your keyword research purposes. (Available for Pro and Enterprise members).


jaaxy bonus

Free Jaaxy Downloadable Bonus


Who is Jaaxy For?

Jaaxy is a very useful tool for a lot of different online business and for people at different levels. Below is a list of the types of people who can benefit from this platform:

  • Those looking for new quality keywords
  • Bloggers and Website owners looking for new content ideas
  • Those looking for a new niche that’s profitable
  • Affiliate Marketers wanting to find new affiliate programs for their niche
  • Pay per click advertisers
  • Internet Marketers who want to know how their sites are ranking on Google for specific keywords
  • …. and much more



There are 3 pricing structures for the Jaaxy program:

  • Free (30 searches)

With the Free trial, you get 30 keyword searches, and you’ll be able to try out the program using those searches. This is a great way to just test out the platform and decide whether it’s something you’d want to use for your keyword research.

  • Pro ($19/month)

The Pro membership is a great option if you’re quite new to keyword research, but want to take full advantage of the whole jaaxy platform. Even if you’re not so new to keyword research I think it’s still a cost-effective option to choose. I’m currently using the Pro membership and feel it provides all the features I need for my business so far.

There are 2 price plans for the Pro membership, you can either pay $19 a month, or you can choose to pay $199 per year (this gives you a $29 saving)

  • Enterprise ($49/month)

The Enterprise membership is more suitable for power users. If you regularly compile lists and lists of keywords for multiple sites/customers, then this may be the option for you.

There are 2 price plans for the Enterprise membership, you can either pay $49 a month, or you can choose to pay $499 per year (this gives you a $89 saving)

jaaxy pricing structure

Jaaxy Pricing Structure



  • Offers a FREE trial with 30 searches – you can test out the Jaaxy program for free
  • Find new high-quality keywords for your niche
  • Find multiple new niches that are profitable
  • Find affiliate programs based on your keyword
  • Check your site ranking
  • Different priced memberships to fit your budget
  • Easy to use platform with training videos provided
  • No software to download or install
  • Fast and reliable support
  • Very useful tool for different expertise levels
  • Provides reliable results



Like with most programs and tools, there are some aspects of Jaaxy that could be improved:

  • The lower memberships have slow speed, so it can sometimes feel time-consuming. – However, I don’t feel this has been too much of an issue for me personally.
  • The bonus downloads are slightly outdated – Despite this, they still provide useful information and some more tips on how to fully understand Jaaxy and use it to its full potential.
  • There are some features that you may not use very much – For example. I currently don’t use the “Search Analysis” feature too much, but I’m glad the option is there and included in the membership in case that changes.


My Experience With Jaaxy

I’ve been using Jaaxy for over 3 months and I’ve had very positive results from the tools offered within the program. The image below shows that I’ve been able to rank on 1st page of Google for a number of my chosen keywords, because of the tools provided with Jaaxy.

Rank 1st page on Google for my chosen keywords

Rank 1st page on Google for my chosen keywords


This next screenshot below shows how I was able to generate 30 keywords in just a few seconds, for an entirely new niche. This just shows how powerful the Jaaxy tool is in getting you quick results and new quality keywords. If I were to decide that this was the niche for me, I’d easily be able to do further in-depth research to get more quality results.

generate keywords fast using jaaxy

I generated 30 keywords using Jaaxy on a new niche!



Final Words

I hope you’ve been able to get an all round view of the Jaaxy Keyword Research tool, and that I’ve been able to answer the question “What Is The Jaaxy Keyword Tool About?”.  Hopefully, you’ve now found the tool you’ve been looking for to enhance your business.

Overall, Jaaxy isn’t just a tool to help you find quality keywords, it can also allow you to assess how well your keywords are doing in terms of ranking, and help you determine how profitable they are for your business.

You don’t just have to take my word for it, you can easily try it out for free and test the program for yourself. There’s nothing to lose.


Why not get started with your FREE trial today by clicking the button below

Try Jaaxy FREE Trial Today   

What are your thoughts on the Jaaxy Keyword Tool? Have you had much experience of this program? How has the Jaaxy platform helped you and your business? Feel free to share your comments in the section below.


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what about the jaaxy keyword tool review


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 22 comments
Fran Kelso - April 16, 2019

Hi, Stephanie,
I am currently building a website to promote WA, in addition to the website you see above. I’m writing a review of Jaaxy, so have been looking at some other ones for ideas. I don’t think I can possibly build something as good as yours! You have included everything in a complete, attractive package. I am very impressed. Hope mine comes out at least half as good as yours.

Jaaxy is a great platform, and I am so glad we at WA get to use it.

    Stephanie - May 4, 2019

    Hi Fran, thank you very much for commenting, and glad to see you found my Jaaxy review through Google search. I look forward to seeing your review also. I agree, Jaaxy and WA are amazing platforms, and must have tools for aspiring bloggers and internet marketers. Wishing you all the best!

Sebastian - March 11, 2019

HI Stephanie,
I want to know Jaaxy included in WA pro membership?

    Stephanie - March 11, 2019

    Hi Sebastian, Yes Jaxxy is included in premium membership. However, it is only the free version of Jaaxy that’s included. If you want the premium features of Jaaxy then you’ll have to upgrade. Luckily, the upgrade is cheaper as a WA member. Hope this helps with your question

Sebastian - March 10, 2019

Hey Stephanie,
Congrats!! great and honest reviews. Some WA members said in their review that jaaxy is free tool WA offer to their pro members! While Jaxxy is a separate tool that you have to pay extra for. Right?

    Stephanie - May 4, 2019

    Hi Sebastian, thank you for your comment and question. Jaaxy Lite is free if you’re a Wealthy Affiliate member, however the features in the Lite version are limited. If you want additional features you would need to upgrade to the Pro or Enterprise memberships.

    The good news for WA members is that the cost of these upgraded memberships are less than if you purchase Jaaxy directly from the website.

    Hope that answers your question.

Amanda - October 11, 2016

I have used the free version of Jaaxy, but I didn’t realize the features that you got with a pro membership. The affiliate program search would be a great asset to me. Thanks for the info!

    Stephanie - October 14, 2016

    Hi Amanda. Thanks for commenting. Yes, the Jaaxy tool offers a lot of useful features and it’s definitely my recommended keyword tool.

    All the best!

Tej - October 9, 2016

Hi Stephanie, thanks for the very informative review of Jaaxy. I learned a lot of information from your post. I am using Jaaxy as a free member right now and love it’s features. I didn’t realize that Jaaxy contained a “site rank” tool.

I think the hardest part of writing blog posts is coming up with good quality keywords and it seems like the Jaaxy keyword tool really helps someone with this. Overall this keyword tool seems very powerful.

I had one question about the “alphabet soup technique” for finding keywords you mentioned in your post. This technique seems like a great way to come up with keywords. Is it meant as a secondary way to come up with keywords for your niche – in addition to the other methods you can research keywords in Jaaxy? Or can someone use the alphabet soup technique as a primary way to come up with good quality keywords?


    Stephanie - October 14, 2016

    Thanks for taking the time to comment Tej! I really appreciate it the feedback too.

    The alphabet soup technique can be used both as an addition to the other Jaaxy features and as a primary way to come up with quality keywords. That’s one of the great things about Jaaxy, by incorporating all the different features you can really do some in-depth research on your keyword and/or niche. Having access to all the different search methods also means you can come up with an extensive amount of targeted keywords that also have the ability to rank high on Google, which is really great.

    Jaaxy has really helped me come up with blog topic ideas for my site, and it’s a tool I always use for my online business, so I hope you find it just as helpful.

    All the best!

Grace - October 9, 2016

I didn’t know this keyword tool can do so much! I’m glad I found your page. I really like the way site rank feature and the QSR scoring system. It makes it easier to pick which keyword to focus on. Thanks so much for your detailed analysis! I’ll have to go check it out!

    Stephanie - October 14, 2016

    Hi Grace, thanks for commenting. The site rank feature is definitely one of my favourite features of the Jaaxy program. Thanks again for the feedback. All the best!

Dan Calderon - October 8, 2016

Hello Stephanie, and thank you for this in depth explanation of Jaaxy keyword tool. I have used the 30 day trial and I did find it to be a useful item. Although right now the Wealthy Affiliate keyword tool is sufficient for what I currently need, I do keep Jaaxy in mind as my “upgrade” if need be! I like how you have each section covered and the costs associated with each and exactly what the consumer gets for their purchase.

    Stephanie - October 14, 2016

    Hi Dan, thanks for the comment and for your feedback.

    I think the Wealthy Affiliate tool is still beneficial, and I like that it’s included in the membership. It’s good that you’re not feeling too pressured to join Jaaxy. It’s better for you to upgrade when it’s right for you, so that you can really make the most out of your membership.

    All the best!

Brandon - October 8, 2016

Hi Stephanie, what a thorough review. I am currently a member of Jaaxy and can 100% stand by these claims. When I first found out about it I was over the moon because I knew how I could get a rough idea of the competition in my niche, and this tool does that and many more.

Thank you so much for this great post!


    Stephanie - October 14, 2016

    Thanks for commenting Brandon, and for your feedback. Glad to hear Jaaxy’s working for you. All the best!

Jason - October 8, 2016

Hi, Stephanie,

I have learned a lot of new information about the Jaaxy Keyword Research tool today.

I did try out the free version some time ago and did enjoy utilizing my 30 searches.

What do you think about Jaaxy compared to a more well-known keyword research tool; LongTailPro?

Have you use the LTP and compared it alongside Jaaxy? I would love to know your opinion on this as I am currently looking to get the best Keyword research tool available on the market.

I do appreciate your in-depth review of Jaaxy.

Looking forward to your reply.


    Stephanie - October 14, 2016

    Hi Jason, thanks for taking the time to comment. I’m glad you found my review informative.

    Although I have heard of LongTailPro, I am not very familiar with the program, and I have not used it myself to give a balanced opinion on it. I have been interested to give it a go and as they offer a $1 trial I may do so. So stay tuned for a possible comparison review.

    Compared to other keyword tools I’ve used in the past, Jaaxy offers so many more features that I’ve not seen before. Not only does it provide the data for potential keywords, you can use Jaaxy to find affiliate programs, use it to spy on your competitors, use it to see where your site is ranked on Google…and much more.

    Overall, Jaaxy has been the best keyword tool for me and I’ve seen very good results from it so far.

    If you ever try out LTP I’d be interested to hear how you get on and what your experiences are.

    All the best!

Summerly - October 8, 2016

Great review. I didn’t know jaaxy had an alphabet soup section, that would be very helpful in finding keywords. I also like the fact it can show you where your keyword ranks. I’ve been considering getting an account and now I think I really should, it will help alot, thanks!

    Stephanie - October 14, 2016

    Hi Summerly, thank you for taking the time to comment. Jaaxy is a really useful too which offers so many features, and I hope it find it as helpful as I have, if you decide to join. If you’re really interested then you should definitely check out the free trial as it’ll allow you to test out the program to make sure it’s right for you.

    All the best!


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