Your Step-By-Step Guide To Generating A Year's Worth Of Content For Your Blog - The Easy Way - Precious New Start

Your Step-By-Step Guide To Generating A Year’s Worth Of Content For Your Blog – The Easy Way

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Is This You?…Are You Stuck For Blog Content Ideas?

It’s not uncommon for us bloggers to get stuck thinking of content to write on our blogs. Maybe you’re a newbie blogger, and have no idea where to start, or perhaps you’ve been blogging for years, but have reached a fork in the road, and not sure where to go next.

In this article I aim to provide you with a way to generate a year’s worth of blog posts to get you started, or keep you going, producing valuable content for your readers.



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The great thing is that this method can pretty much be applied to any niche. Whether you’re into fishing, crafts…or even  magnetic therapy, there’s lots of content that can be generated with this method.

In order to come up with your amazing content, you will be using’s Blog Topic Generator

I have found this free tool to be a very easy to use topic generator, which can initially produce 5 days worth of blog titles for you. This is perfect if you just want to test the waters and see whether their year’s worth of blog ideas will be right for you.


Step 1:

Visit’s Blog Topic Generator, where you will be taken to a page like this:

hubspot blog topic generator homepage


Step 2:

Think of 3 words (preferably nouns) related to your niche, that you’d like to write about.

For the purposes of this example, I choose Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Blogging.

hubspot blog topic generator 5 days


Step 3:

Check to see if these ideas fit with your niche, and if they’re right for your readers.

Even if some of the ideas don’t fit perfectly for your niche, this tool is likely to inspire you to think of great ideas for a blog post, and help you look for areas to research.


Step 4:

Sign up for a year’s worth of blog content ideas.

Now is the time to get your years worth of blog topic ideas. Once you’ve received your 5 days worth, all you have to do is fill out their form below.


sign up for year's worth of blog posts via hubspot


Step 5:

Download the file.

download hubspot years worth of blog content ideas


Step 6:

Open the file, and view your years worth of blog topic ideas.

year's worth of blog posts via hubspot


Step 7:

Start blogging!

fast typing, typing fast on keyboard

Hopefully now you’ll be full of ideas to blog about!


There you have it, the easy way to generate a years worth of blog content ideas for your blog. If you enjoyed reading this, then also feel free to browse my other recommended blog topic generators worth sharing.

After creating your awesome blog post, the next step is to bring visitors/traffic to your site. If you’re looking for a way to bring real traffic to your site, I encourage you to sign up to my #1 recommended training program, that teaches you how to get quality traffic and build a successful website online. If you’d like to find out more you can check out my Getting Started Online page.


If you’re ready now, and want access to this training program, click the link below

I’m Ready To Access This #1 Recommended Training Program


Did you find this tool useful? Has it inspired some new ideas to write on your blog? If so, let me know in the comments. I’d like to see how this post has helped others. 


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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Anis Chity - November 12, 2016

This is absolutely a good post for every blogger, you know the worst thing that can happen to a blogger is to ran out of blogging ideas, you have mentioned great resources , I’m trying the Hubspot’s blog topic generator right now!
I usually use Google Alerts and I assure you its a good tool, I have made two posts so far thanks to that tool! 😀
Thanks again for sharing with us this wonderful tool and have a good day 😀

    Stephanie - February 4, 2017

    Hi Anis, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m glad to hear you’ll be trying out this tool and hope it helps you come up with some great blog ideas.

    I’ve used Google Alerts too and have found it really helpful with coming up with blog ideas too, so I’d definitely recommend that to anyone else who’s interested.

    Thanks again Anis, hope you have a good day too!
    All the best!

Tony - March 8, 2016

Great article. I for one have trouble coming up with ideas when it comes to the stuff I’m writing. This is a great tool that makes the process a lot easier.

I also clicked the link on Step1 to go to the Hubspot website, but the link is broken. Although I googled it and I’m looking at the site right now and going to check out the demo they offer

Thanks a bunch!

    Stephanie - March 8, 2016

    Hey Tony! That’s good to hear you enjoyed the article. Ok, thanks for letting me know about the link…I will get that sorted. I hope you find this tool as useful as I have.

    All the best, Stephanie

Rolando - March 8, 2016

Waooo. I really like this article. I think this is a great idea to find some topic for our blog. Hubspot is a big company with amazing information. So, the topics that this generator provides are really useful. This is a powerful article that will help everyone to know where to start on blogging.
Thanks for sharing this article.

    Stephanie - March 8, 2016

    Hi Ronaldo! You’re welcome. I’m glad your enjoyed my article. I agree, Hubspot provide a lot of great tools and information, and I’d definitely recommend people to check their site out. I look forward to hearing how you get on with this.

    All the best, Stephanie.

Thom - March 8, 2016

That’s a fantastic idea, how much does it cost?

Paul - March 8, 2016

I am so glad I found this site, I add content to my webpage, then head over to facebook, and by the time I get to twitter I’m completely out of ideas. I get spurts of inspiration, but that runs out with my morning coffee. This is some very impressive stuff you have here. I am a newbie to the internet and do not have a lot of writing background, so this might be my black pearl in the oyster!
thank you for sharing this with me.

    Stephanie - March 8, 2016

    Hi Paul! You’re very welcome. I’m glad that you found this tool very useful. Yes, I know what you mean, I get like that sometimes where I seem to run out of ideas. But this blog topic generator has been so useful in getting me inspired about new things to write about. Once you have the title, you can start working out how to structure your new content, and your done! It’s so easy to download too, it takes only a few minutes, and you have up to a year of blogging ideas sorted. I also have a list of some other blog content generator websites that you can take a look at. Wishing you success in your online venture, and I look forward to hearing how you get on with this tool. All the best. Stephanie

Drew Wilson - March 8, 2016

hi i found this to be well informed. I don’t get the whole blogging thing but i didn’t know there was actual apps and stuff for it thanks for giving me insight and i may just start looking things up on blogging seems like a good chance to reach a different group of people

    Stephanie - March 8, 2016

    Hi Drew! I’m really glad to hear you found this useful. If you’re thinking about getting started with blogging, I would definitely recommended giving this tool a try to see if it can help you generate some topic ideas for your blog! All the best!


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