What Is Buxenger? - A Sure Fire Way To Speed Up Your Paid To Click (PTC) Earnings - Precious New Start

What Is Buxenger? – A Sure Fire Way To Speed Up Your Paid To Click (PTC) Earnings

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Easy To Use


Earning Potential



  • Free
  • Speeds Up Your PTC Earnings
  • Can get more referrals, faster
  • Upgrade for as little as $2/month


  • Doesn't work on Safari browser
  • Not all PTC sites are fully supported

If you’re a regular user of Paid To Click (PTC) websites such as Clixsense, Neobux etc, then you definitely need to check out this app! I came across it recently and was quite intrigued to see how it worked and if it can actually help speed up my earnings. Well, I gave it a go and in this Buxenger Review I want to answer the question “What Is Buxenger?”, share my results, as well as share my final thoughts on the application.

Name: Buxenger

Website: www.Buxenger.com

Price: Free and Premium: $2/month, $20/year or $50 lifetime

Owner: Valeria Denisova


What is Buxenger?

Buxenger is a FREE app that helps speed up your earnings from PTC websites. Essentially it helps you organise and monitor your PTC accounts in one easy to view screen, and it speeds up the process of viewing ads from multiple PTC websites.

With Buxenger you can view the stats from all your PTC websites in one place. As you can see from the screenshot below, I can see the stats for my PTC accounts with Clixsense, ScarletClicks, BuxP etc.

what is buxenger - buxenger review


How to use Buxenger?

Buxenger is so easy to use.

Firstly you need to sign up to Buxenger here. Once you’ve signed up you can add the extension to your internet browser, then begin adding any PTC accounts that you currently have. The first site I added was Clixsense (see my review here).

You can find out how to add new PTC sites as you continue reading this page.

When you’ve managed to add a few sites to the Buxenger app you can begin using it to earn.

There will be a small button at the top of your browser which you can click anytime you want to use Buxenger (sometimes Buxenger logs you out after a few days, so you may need to type buxenger.com into your search bar to log back in again and continue using, however this doesn’t take long).



Clicking the icon will take you to your Buxenger account where you can view all your PTC stats as well as your account stats, such as the number of referrals you have, and any affiliate earnings.

Take a look at this video below to see how Buxenger works and how to use it.


How To Add New PTC Accounts To Buxenger?

It’s super easy to add new PTC accounts to Buxenger, which I will show you step by step using the screenshots below.


Step 1: Select “Add Website”



Step 2: Choose a website to add

buxenger add website step 2


Step 3: Add your existing account details or create a new account within Buxenger



Step 4: If creating a new account, set up account and select next

buxenger add website step 4


Step 5: Return to your Buxenger back office and your new account, with stats, should be added successfully.



You can see how easy it is to add a new PTC account to the Buxenger app. You can add any existing accounts you may have, or you can create a whole new account right within the Buxenger application.

If one of your Buxenger referrals decides to join that PTC site, they’ll automatically be your referral.


Which Internet Browsers Is Buxenger Compatible With?

Buxenger currently works on Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

buxenger compatible browsers


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Buxenger Helps You Gain More PTC Referrals And Manage Them In One Place


With the Buxenger app you get to increase your chances of gaining referrals. Take a look at the video below, it’s quite interesting how it works.



I’ve managed to get referrals to join Buxenger, and when they join new PTC sites, they will also be my direct referral for that site. It’s an easier way to build your referral downline and improve your earnings with PTC websites.



This screenshot above shows how I’m able to gain referrals to PTC websites just by referring users to Buxenger. It works for Built-in sites that are listed like Clixsense, as well as other PTC sites I’ve added manually, such as Neobux.

Ultimately, you’re better off referring people to Buxenger and then adding your PTC sites to gain direct referrals for them. You can select your own featured sites, so your referrals are more likely to join those.

Also, if you’re a premium member, and your Buxenger referrals sign up to premium, you get to earn at least $1 per referral for every month they are an active premium member.




It’s completely free to join and you can try out the Premium membership with a 10-day free trial.

Easy to use

Buxenger is very easy to use. You can create new PTC accounts without leaving the Buxenger app, and you can keep track of the money you’re earning too.

Speeds up your PTC earnings

With Buxenger, you are able to view ads directly one after the other, which means you spend less time switching through different sites or different tabs, and more time earning money.

Can gain more referrals, much faster

The Buxenger referral system means you can increase your referral downline, just by referring more people to Buxenger.

Can upgrade for as little as $2 a month

You can upgrade to premium for only $2 a month. If you feel Buxenger will help you earn more with PTC sites, then it’s definitely worth the investment.




Need to add a browser extension

This isn’t really a bad thing, but there are some people that may not be comfortable with a browser extension. At least it doesn’t require any software download.

Doesn’t work on Safari

If you’re a Mac user (like me), you may only have the Safari browser and unfortunately Buxenger doesn’t work on Safari. However, it’s quite simple to download Google Chrome, and you can add the app from there.

Not all PTC sites are supported

Although some sites are not fully supported, you can still add them to the Buxenger playlist and view ads with the ad viewer. The main issue may be that the earnings won’t show up on Buxenger automatically. However, the earnings will still show up in your regular PTC account, and you can manually add in your current earnings onto Buxenger if you wish.

As you can see from the screen shot below, I manually added my PTC earnings for Offernation and Neobux. (Note: Offernation isn’t really a PTC site, it’s primarily a survey and “get paid to” site, but you can still earn some money by clicking/viewing ads).



Is Buxenger Safe?

Yes, Buxenger is definitely safe to use.

There’s no need to download any software, it’s just an extension to your internet browser. Also, PTC sites are not against people using Buxenger as it is not an autoclicker. It’s simply an app that organises all your PTC sites in one place, in an easy to view screen. You still have to manually view ads and click captcha images, but it helps speed up the process and increases your earning potential.

Take a look at the screenshot from a Clixsense thread. The Clixsense admin has even said that they will be working with Buxenger.

buxenger and clixsense

This message was written in December 2015, and 1 year later they are still supported on Buxenger.

Furthermore, the owner of Buxenger has added to the thread. The owner is clearly happy to answer any questions users have and ease people’s minds about the app.

buxenger valeria denisova


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Who is it for?

This app is for people who use PTC websites often and are looking to improve and increase their earnings. It’s also for people who want to get more referrals for their PTC accounts.


Who is it NOT for?

If you’re not interested in earning from PTC sites, then this app will not be for you.




buxenger free and premium

When you sign up you’re automatically a free member, and if you choose, you can try out the premium membership for 10 days for free.

The best deal would be either the yearly plan or the lifetime plan as they have the best savings. However, if you go through the trial and would still like to continue as a premium member without spending too much, then I’d recommend the monthly plan. You’d have to pay for at least 3 months, so $6 in total. Overall, I think that’s a small amount to pay if you feel this program could really help you improve your earnings with PTC sites.


Benefits of Upgrading to Premium

With a free account, you’re limited to automatic stats on just 5 sites and you can only get PTC referrals on 5 sites through Buxenger. However, upgrading to premium has a lot more benefits and will cost as little as $2 a month.

With premium you get to:

  • Add unlimited PTC websites to your dashboard.
  • Include as many referral links as you like and therefore get as many referrals as you can.
  • Earn monthly affiliate commissions for every Buxenger member you refer that upgrades to premium.



Although I haven’t had much need to contact support, there is a “Contact Us” section on the website where you can fill out a support form. It seems there are also plans to create a forum within the app, so that’ll be another form of support and contact.


My Final Thoughts

So, what is Buxenger?…Well, it’s the perfect app for anyone who wants to speed up their PTC earnings. If you’re a regular PTC user then you definitely need to get this app. Although I don’t really use PTC websites, I’ve used them more because of this app, and it’s been a nice way to earn a little extra money while I’m watching the tv or just on the phone for example. It makes things so much easier and faster, and I’m glad an app like this exists.

It’s a little investment that has the potential to really improve and increase my earnings with PTC sites. I’m looking forward to seeing how things go and updating my results within a few months or so.

Would I recommend Buxenger? Yes, if you’re already earning from PTC sites, you might as well speed up your earnings with a tool like Buxenger, and get more referrals in the process.

Sign Up To Buxenger   


What are your thoughts on Buxenger?

Do you think it can help you improve your earnings?

Would you use Buxenger now to help make more money with PTC sites?

Share your responses in the section below, as well as any questions you might have. I’ll be happy to respond!

…and don’t forget to share this review with all your PTC  friends.

P.S. If you’re interested in working from home and earning enough to do so, then I’d personally recommend starting an online business. The earning potential is much greater and it could mean that you get to really earn a living from home. If you’re interested then please feel free to check out my #1 recommended online business training…the best part is you can try it out for FREE.


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Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 10 comments
Ben - August 9, 2019

Does Buxenger still exist? I can’t reach their website and the last post on their FB site is from 2017.

    Stephanie - August 11, 2019

    Hi Ben, thank you for commenting. I’ve been trying to get through to the Buxenger website for a few days now, with no luck. Therefore, it appears that Buxenger may no longer exist, which is a shame as it was a very helpful tool.

Ada - June 1, 2018

Hi Stephanie,
Nice page. Congrats.
I am quite new at this online activity and do not understand very well some things.
I am registered at four ptc sites but have no dr. What must I do from Buxenger to get some? Step by step please! As I said I am no expert!!!!
Thanks a lot.

    Stephanie - June 4, 2018

    Hi Ada, thanks for reaching out.

    When you log into Buxenger there’s a tab on the left-hand side called “Referrals”. Then, when you click on this tab you should find another tab, on the top left-hand side, called “Promotional Tools”.

    When you click on this tab you should be given some links and/or videos which you can share in order to promote and get referrals.

    When someone joins Buxenger through your link then you get them as your referral.

    You can promote your link on places such as forums, other PTC sites (via paid advertising), traffic exchange websites, and FB groups (but don’t spam).

    Just a quick update…When I logged on I noticed that the “Promotional Tools” tab wasn’t working like it used to, so I’ve gotten in contact with the Buxenger support team. Once I get a reply I will be able to update you further.

    I hope this helps.

peter luehlow - January 2, 2017

Hi Steph, which E-Wallets they used ?

Happy New Year from Germany

    Stephanie - January 3, 2017

    Hi Peter, thanks for the question. Buxenger pays it’s users via Paypal. As far as I can tell, that’s the only e-wallet they use.

    All the best, and Happy New Year to you too!

Anis Chity - December 16, 2016

Hi Stephanie, I have never heard about Buxenger, I did not even know that such app exists.

Looks like a great way to earn more from your paid to click sites, I will check it out! 🙂

Honestly, I would have never trusted this app, but after reading a review about it from a person I trust, I changed my mind.

Keep up the great work and have a great day 🙂

    Stephanie - January 3, 2017

    Hi Anis, hope you’re well. I definitely recommend checking it out if you have been earning from PTC sites for some time, it’ll just speed up your earnings a lot more.

    I’m glad you trust me and my review :). I usually only recommend websites/apps I’ve used personally and think will benefit others. So I’m glad to hear I’ve achieved that with this review.

    All the best!

Dave Page - December 15, 2016

Well I’ve always avoided PTC sites because it’s yet another activity to add to my already heavy workload. I have an account with Clixsense but never delved into it but now I’ve come across Buxenger here on your site, I’m definitely going to register for a free account to start with. I really love the fact you have all of your PTC’s under one roof. It’s a great way to keep income centralised. Can I advertise my own Karatbars business on that site too?

    Stephanie - January 3, 2017

    Hi Dave, thanks for commenting. Buxenger is a really useful tool if you’re interested in earning money from PTC sites. It’s free, so you could give it a try and see how you get on using it with Clixsense.

    I’m not too sure about Karatbars as it’s not a PTC website, so it won’t work well with the Buxenger app. Buxenger is really aimed towards PTC websites.

    Hope that helps.

    All the best!


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