Make Money Using Your Smartphone: Google Opinion Rewards App Review - Precious New Start

Make Money Using Your Smartphone: Google Opinion Rewards App Review

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Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards





For all smartphone users


Earning Potential



  • Free
  • Simple
  • Fun
  • Can be used to buy apps/games/movies etc in the Google Play store


  • Only for Android Users
  • Only redeemable for Google Play Store products


If you’re looking to make some extra money using your smartphone, then I want to introduce to you the the Google Opinion Rewards app 


What Is Google Opinion Rewards App?


Google Opinion Rewards is a free android app which allows you to earn money while doing surveys on your smartphone. The money you earn is redeemable for Google Play credit. Which means you can use the money to purchase apps, game, music etc, within the Google Play store.


Why Google Opinion Rewards?


I think Google Opinions Rewards is a fast way to earn a little cash, and you are updated with new surveys very often. If you’ve always wanted to buy some apps from the Google Play store, then you can use this credit towards it, without having to put in your own money. The questions I have received are so simple, and you can get a few questions in a day.


How much can you earn?


So far, the money I’ve made per survey has ranged between £0.06 to £0.50, so it depends on the survey. Even if you don’t fully qualify for a survey, you can still earn some money for taking part.


How often do you receive surveys?


I usually receive surveys almost every day, and can expect up to 2-3 a day.

Payment Proof:


Below is an example of a survey I did just before completing this review.


This image below shows an example of the types of questions you expect to get. As you can see, there are only 4 questions in this survey.

google opinion rewards review, google opinion rewards app review, google opinion rewards, example google opinion rewards survey questions

Example Survey Question



This image below shows how much I made from this survey

google opinion rewards review, google opinion rewards app review, google opinion rewards, payment received for google opinion rewards survey

Payment Received


As you can see from the time above, it took less than a minute to complete!


Below is my Payment Proof to date:

google opinion rewards review, google opinion rewards app review, google opinion rewards

Payment Proof To Date


How to install?


It’s very easy to download, you can just search for “Google Opinion Rewards” in the Google Play store, and install from there. If you’re doing it from the computer, you can click to Google Opinion Rewards here, and click install


Is it Worth It?


Although the money you earn cannot be cashed out, it can be used towards apps/games that you may have wanted to purchase, without having to actually put in your own money. You’ll be able to complete simple surveys, and get paid for doing so. You won’t be getting rich with this app, but it requires no experience at all and you can make a little extra money while you’re on the way to work/school, or sitting at home watching TV.


Would I Recommend This App?


Yes! I would definitely recommend this app to any android users looking to make some extra money on their smartphone


What are your experience with Google Opinion Rewards? How much have you made so far? Feel free to share any apps/games you may have downloaded with the credit you earned too.


P.S.: If you’d like to create your own surveys for everyday people to answer via Google Opinion Rewards, you can find out more at ‘Google Consumer Surveys 


P.S. Find Out How You Can Turn Your Passion Into A Successful Business Online Using My #1 Recommended Program.


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

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Stuart - March 25, 2016

Seems like a no brainer, takes less than a minute to complete and you get paid, not a lot but something. The only downside is you are restricted to using your payment on Google Playstore but I know I’ve purchased apps from the Playstore so that’s not a bad thing. Thanks for the thorough and helpful review.

    Stephanie - March 26, 2016

    Hi Stuart! Yep, it definitely takes less than a minute to complete, and you can earn pretty much anywhere you want. I usually find you get more surveys when you’ve been out and about.

    I agree, it can only be redeemed on Google Play apps, which was also a bit of downside for me as I don’t get much from the play store. But like you, I’ve purchased one or two things in the past, so now I can continue to purchase more because of the money I make from this app.

Mike - March 25, 2016

Excellent Post! I have never heard of this before. What do you think the average earning potential is if you would dedicate 8-10 hours a week?

    Stephanie - March 26, 2016

    Hi Mike, thanks for your comment! Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to dedicate that amount of time to this, as the amount you earn depends on when you get a survey. I get an average of about 2-3 surveys a day sent to my phone, sometimes more, sometimes less. So luckily you always get a notification of when a survey is available, so I’ll just say that you should complete as soon as you get the notification. Hope that helps.


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