Clixsense Review 2016 - Is It The Best Paid To Click Website? - Precious New Start

Clixsense Review 2016 – Is It The Best Paid To Click Website?

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Easy To Use


Earning Potential


Survey Qualification Rate



  • Multiple Ways To Earn
  • No Experience Needed
  • Trustworthy Website
  • Pays Via Paypal
  • Forum


  • Don't always qualify for surveys
  • Lot of time needed to make decent income
  • Only one account per household
  • Very Low pay for viewing ads

UPDATE July 2017: Unfortunately, you can no longer earn via the Paid To Click (PTC) ads and Clixgrid methods.


What is Clixsense?

Clixsense is a Paid To Click (PTC) site that’s been running since 2007 and pays it’s users for completing different tasks online. Some tasks include viewing ads, surveys, playing games and completing offers. It’s very easy to get started with Clixsense as it’s free to join and simple to create an account. Once you’ve signed up you can begin earning right away.


Can You Really Make Money Online With Clixsense?

You’re probably wondering if you can really make money online with Clixsense, and the answer is Yes, you can…however, I wouldn’t want you to quit your day job as the the amount you earn isn’t going to make you rich in any way. For the most part you’ll be earning pennies to view website ads and complete tasks. Although it doesn’t have high payouts, it is a genuine way to make some money online, and I will discuss the multiple ways to earn below.


Are you interested in starting an online business? Take a look at my #1 recommended training program to help you get started!


Ways To Earn Money Online With Clixsense

1)  View Ads

The main way people earn from Clixsense is by viewing ads. It’s the fastest and simplest way to earn money on the site and ads usually last between 5-60 seconds.

clixsense view ads

The length of the ad will determine how much you will earn. Below is a breakdown of the earning potential

5 seconds – $0.001

15 seconds – $0.005

30 seconds $0.01

60 seconds – $0.02


2) Clixgrid

Clixgrid is a grid game whereby you click on random squares within the grid in hopes of winning up to $10. With each square you click you’ll have to view a 10 second ad. After viewing the ad you’ll find out if you’re a winner or not. If you’re not a winner then you won’t earn anything. So a bit of a gamble for your time if you don’t win anything.

clixgrid - clixsense- review


Most of the recent winners only won about $0.10 or $0.25, which isn’t very much for the amount of time you spend on the grid. You get 30 chances a day to try and win. I’ve spent some time doing this and unfortunately I’ve never won anything from it so far.

Clixgrid Recent Winners

Clixgrid Recent Winners



3) Surveys

Another way to earn money with Clixsense is by completing surveys. You’ll be prompted to complete a survey profile, which is just questions that you’ll need to answer about yourself. The aim of this is to provide you with surveys that fit your demographic and to fit you with surveys you’ll qualify for.


However, based on other users review, you’ll still be presented with many surveys that you won’t qualify for, despite filing out the survey profile. So it’s possible you’ll spend ages completing the qualification questions and then finding out that you don’t actually qualify for that survey…that’s a complete waste of your time and you don’t get reward at all for that time.


clixsense surveys
I personally haven’t tried using the surveys on Clixsense to make money. I tried many years ago, but remember not being very successful with it, so I decided not to even bother with surveys when trying the website out again this time around.


You may like this: OfferNation Review


4) Microtasks with Crowdflower

You can also earn money by completing microtasks with Crowdflower. You’ll need to create a Crowdflower account, but you can sign up through Clixsense and it doesn’t take too long.


You’ll be presented with different tasks, but when you first get started the earning potential will be very low. My first task was only paying $0.02, and I was required to transcribe audio.



As you complete more and more tasks, you’ll move up the different levels. As you move up the levels you’ll have the chance to earn more from the tasks. So if you want to use this method for making money it’s encouraged that you stick to it as much as you can at the beginning, as you’ll start seeing better rewards as you move up the levels. I’ve seen some reviews of people making up to $40-50 from microtasks alone…once they’ve reached the higher levels.

Below is an image that shows some potential jobs that are available. As you can see, you have to be at a certain level to complete a few of these tasks.


I’ve only recently begun looking at the “Tasks” section of Clixsense, so I haven’t achieved the levels yet. If I have any new updates regarding microtasks I’ll add them here.


5) Complete Clixoffers

You can earn extra by completing offers which include signing up to websites, taking surveys, entering competitions etc.




6) Clixsense Bonus/Daily Checklist

Clixsense has a daily checklist to help you earn money on a daily basis. This is a good way to earn something everyday, and you can keep track of how much you need to do, and how much you’ve earned for that day. If you can keep up with this on a daily basis, then you could make a nice little bit of money.


Clixsense bonus



Other Features:

Playing Clixsense Games

Clixsense has some games that can be played on the site, however you can not make money by playing these games, they’re just for you to enjoy. I think these can be entertaining to play every now and again.

clixsense earn money playing games



This is a tool that sends notification of any new tasks or offers that you can complete. It can be downloaded for Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers. With this tool it’s more likely that you’ll get more PTC ads and get earlier access to surveys and tasks, because you’ll be notified of them sooner than other members.



So, Is Clixsense a Scam?

Although the earning potential of Clixsense is quite low, it is definitely NOT a scam. Clixsense is a legitimate website, and a real way to make some money online.




Clixsense is completely free to join, and you can remain a free member as long as you want.

Premium ($17/year)

There’s an option to upgrade to premium if you feel you will benefit from being a premium member, which will cost you $17.

Benefits of being a premium member include:

  1. Higher earning potential
  2. Some premium users have mentioned having more earning opportunities (i.e. more ads to view), which looks about right based on the screenshot below.
  3. Paid up to $2 for each referral
  4. More chance to win Clixgrid. This is because you’re given 60 chances as a premium member vs 30 chances as a free member.

Below is a screenshot from Clixsense which gives you a better idea of what the benefits are if you decide to upgrade:

clixsense standard vs premium

I’d recommend that you only upgrade if you believe/know you’ll be able to get many referrals, and stay up to date with the daily checklist. If you’re not likely to make more than $17 a year then it’s not going to be worth the membership fee.


Who is it for?

Anyone who may be looking to make some extra money online. But I would recommend that you don’t spend hours and hours on the site.


Who is it NOT for?

  • Those not interested in PTC sites. – If you don’t like spending time clicking through ads…especially for pennies, then this website is not for you.
  • Those who want to earn more than a few pennies online. If you’re someone who wants to have a bigger earning potential then Clixsense will not be for you. A good alternative would be to start your own online business.



Multiple Ways To Earn

Free to Join

No Experience Needed

Trustworthy website

Clixsense has been running since 2007 and has been successfully paying members since. They’re a good company, and would be my recommended PTC site for anyone thats interested in earning with this method.

Pays via Paypal

Clixsense pays its members via Paypal, which I’m glad about. You can also cash out with other payment platforms such as Payza and Neteller.

clixsense payment options

Clixsense Forum

You can interact with other Clixsense members within the forum, and take a look at different success stories and payment proofs.

clixsense forum



A lot of time required to earn decent income

To earn any decent amount on Clixsense you have to spend a lot of time completing tasks.

Only one account per household

Rarely qualify for a survey

Most people will find that they don’t qualify for a survey, even though they’ve filled out all the profile questions. It seems that the chances of actually being able to qualify for a survey is very low. And in the end, you get no reward for time you spend completing the qualification questions. (Here’s a survey site that pays even if you don’t qualify)

High payout threshold

If you’re not completing surveys, then you might have trouble reaching the $8 threshold…unless you’re lucky enough to win $10 on Clixgrid. Considering you’re paid between $0.001-$0.01 for clicking ads it will probably take a long time to reach that threshold. The best way to earn more is to take part in all the different earning methods.


Tips To Earn More Money With Clixsense

If you’re interested in making money through Clixsense then I want to provide some tips that could help you increase your earning potential

1. Sign up to Premium

If you really want to boost your earnings, then you could consider signing up to premium. It’s $17 a year, but you’ll be able to earn more than a free user.

2. Earn more with Referrals

This is probably the best way to earn more with Clixsense, and it’s the method that most Clixsense members use to maximise their earnings. The referrals would have to be active in order for you to earn. So the more referrals you have, the more likely you are to earn more money.

3. Buxenger

If you haven’t heard of Buxenger before, it’s basically a very useful app that allows you to speed up your earnings from viewing ads. You can also use it to manage your Clixsense account and any other PTC accounts you have more effectively. It’s free to join, with the option to upgrade for only $2 a month. This app won’t necessarily make you earn more, but it’ll allow you to earn faster, therefore saving you time to do other things.

In order to understand it better feel free to watch the tutorial video below.

Click To Learn About Buxenger   


My Final Thoughts

Overall, Clixsense is a legit website that allows you to earn some money online…but don’t expect to get rich with it. As you can probably tell, I don’t think it’s something to spend a lot of time on. Maybe you can find ways to make use of the site to fit in with your day to day activities without wasting too much of your time. For example, you can view ads or use Clixgrid during TV ad breaks.

As you can see, it’s very low paying and not really worth a lot of effort. Instead, you could use your time to build an online business. That’s what I do, and I have a free online business training program that you can join to help you get started.

Is Clixsense the best PTC website? Personally, I think it is one of the best PTC sites to earn money from. Although you won’t earn a lot for viewing sites, you still have multiple other ways to earn from the site. Ultimately, if you work hard enough with Clixsense there’s still a good opportunity to earn some decent money from it. So if you feel you can make it work then I’d recommend you give it go.


To get started with Clixsense, click the button below:

Join Clixsense   

What are your thoughts on Clixsense? Do you use Clixsense to earn some extra money online? Is it the best PTC website for you? Feel free to share your experiences and/or success stories in the comments below. 


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clixsense review 2016 - get paid to view websites


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 14 comments
Yoann - June 27, 2018

Nice article! Thank for the information

    Stephanie - July 15, 2018

    You’re welcome. Thanks for commenting Yoann

Md Arif - May 1, 2017

Thank you for your exceptional review. It helps us to earn money with ClixSense.

    Stephanie - May 3, 2017

    Hi Arif, you’re welcome. Thanks for commenting, and I hope Clixsense is working well for you as an extra income earner.

Andrew - November 6, 2016

Hi! Thanks for this great article. I think it is a good way to earn some money. What would you recommend if I want to work only online, to make internet incomes? I think Clixsence is not the right way. Thanks in advance

    Stephanie - November 10, 2016

    Hi Andrew, thanks for commenting. I think Clixsense is better if you’re just looking to make a little extra money here and there. If you’re looking to make more of a part-time or full-time income then I’d recommend learning how to build a business. You can try something like Affiliate Marketing as it requires little initial costs and is quite beginner friendly. If you’re looking for a good quality training program then I’d personally recommend trying out Wealthy Affiliate (see review here). It’s free to join so it’s worth a try.

    If you’re not too keen on Affiliate Marketing you can take a look at my page “Ways To Start An Online Business” for some other business ideas. Let me know if you have any more questions. All the best!

Luna - November 5, 2016

Hi! Stephanie, Thanks for this detailed post about Clicxsense. I find it to be quite informative. One reason why I do not try to sign up for these sites, although they are legit, doing jobs to earn money on them just make me miserable. It is nerve rocking to work for pennies.
I am hearing about Buxenger for the first time. I can understand why the upgrade cost $2. I am glad I read your review because I have been promising myself to check out Clicksense. Now that I have the information I can decide whether or not to sign up.
I like that you have offered advice about signing up for Premium because sometimes people sometimes act first and think after.
Good Read

    Stephanie - November 5, 2016

    Hi Luna, thanks for stopping by! I’m glad to hear you found the review informative. I can empathise with you on that point because I’ve felt the same when trying to earn with Clixsense. The earning potential is quite low in my opinion. The best way to earn more is to take part in all the different methods that are available.

    I’ll be honest, since using Buxenger, I have found it easier to get through clicking ads on Clixsense. The app allows you to view the ads one after the other, and it just makes the process quicker. I usually head over to Buxenger if I’m watching the TV and it’s on an ad break, or if I have a few minutes to spare before leaving the house or something.

    I’ve also heard that upgrading to premium can give you a better earning potential as you’ll be given more ads to view. I’ve heard someone making the $17/year investment back within the first 2 weeks without any referrals. So that could be an option for you. Definitely stick to the free membership now if you’re interested. Maybe dedicate a certain amount of time a day to using the site and see how you get on after a week or two.

    If you’d like to be part of a program that offers a higher earning potential, you could check out my #1 recommended program for starting an online business…good news is, it’s FREE to join. Feel free to take a look.

    Hope that helps,
    All the best!

Cathy A.T. Scallan/An Income 4 All - November 5, 2016

Nice review of ClixSense. I have been a premium member for a long and request my commission weekly. They have never been late with payouts and it’s a great site to earn some extra spending money. I’ll have to agree with Stephanie, you are probably not going to turn this into a full-time job unless you are a pro at recruiting and can get hundreds to join under you.

    Stephanie - November 5, 2016

    Hi Cathy, thanks for commenting, and thank you for sharing your experience with Clixsense. I’m really glad to hear you’re able to earn weekly commissions as a premium member. What would you say is your biggest earner, is it through viewing ads, or completing surveys, or doing offers etc? Would love to hear about any tips you might have, that you’d like to share.

    Thanks again. All the best!

Simon - October 26, 2016

Dear Stephanie,
thank you for this very detailed review. It is not so easy to find somebody who is honest about recommending online marketing sites which are really working and are no scam. In most of them, you subscribe and you realize later that it is in most cases a pyramid and that you are just promoting the platform because they are hiding from you the truth.
I appreciate your exhaustive research and work. I wish there would be more people like you which are trying to protect us from scams and shows us real products and services that function properly and keep their promises.
Thank you so much and keep doing this great work!

    Stephanie - October 31, 2016

    Hi Simon, thanks for commenting. I always like to provide detailed and insightful information when I create my reviews. I want to answer the questions others might have about a program, but also give a balanced review of what to expect when joining. I’m glad to hear there are people like you who appreciate that.

    Thanks again. All the best!

Nnamdi - October 26, 2016

Hello, Stephanie, this is a very comprehensive review of Clixsense. You almost wrote a book on this program but it is very insightful with all the illustrations therein. I don’t really like all these companies offering survey because of the reasons you listed on the cons. It is a mere waste of time taking surveys that will eventually earn so little.

Thanks for heads up Stephanie and I will surely visit again.

    Stephanie - October 31, 2016

    Hi Nnamdi, I’m glad to see you felt my review was insightful. I personally agree about the surveys there, I usually avoid them when using Clixsense as a personal preference. But at least the option is there for those who would like to earn with Clixsense surveys.

    Thanks for commenting. All the best!


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