How To Kickstart Your Affiliate Marketing Business With No Money - Precious New Start

How To Kickstart Your Affiliate Marketing Business With No Money

This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to purchase something through one of my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Have you ever always wanted to start your own online business, but the only thing holding you back was the lack of money?

Well, there’s some good news…it is actually possible to kickstart your own online business for FREE, and you could get started today.

It would be a shame for you not to be able to live out your dreams because of this reason, so I want to share with you how you can get started with an online business totally free.

There are a few online business models available to choose from, but in this post, I will specifically focus on the Affiliate Marketing business model.

how to kickstart your affiliate marketing business with no money pin


What is Affiliate Marketing?

If you’re on this page you may already know what Affiliate Marketing is, but if not, Affiliate Marketing involves selling other people’s products and earning a commission for the sale.


Why is Affiliate Marketing an ideal business model for beginners?

Affiliate Marketing is ideal for beginners mostly because it doesn’t necessarily require you to have any start up fees. Your main aim is to find affiliate products and sell them online. Some of the main benefits include:

  • You can get started for free
  • You don’t need to have any inventory
  • There’s no limit to how much you could earn
  • There are multiple affiliate products to choose from, for any niche


Now, you may be thinking “it all sounds simple enough”. However, there’s more to affiliate marketing that just placing your affiliate link in different places. So through this post, and others to come, I aim to show you the right ways to do affiliate marketing, and turn it into an online business.


Affiliate Marketing Essentials

There are some essential things you need in order to actually do well with your affiliate marketing business, and the good news is you can get started with all these for free:

  1. Choose a topic of interest
  2. Build a website
  3. Find an Affiliate Program
  4. Attract visitors
  5. Get some quality training


1. Choose a Topic of Interest

Think about hobbies, passions and interests

Think about hobbies, passions and interests

You’ll initially want to pick a topic that interests you, and that you have some knowledge about. If you’re not sure what to base your business on, you can brainstorm ideas by thinking about:

What interests you?

What do you know a lot about?

What are you passionate about that you can’t stop talking about, and others would be interested in too?

What are your hobbies?

What do you do in your spare time?

What do you enjoy learning about?


Extra Tip: You can also have a think about things you have problems with, and/or fears. These can also be niche topics for you to consider.


Hopefully, these questions will inspire you to come up with a few topic ideas. Then once you’ve selected your topic, you’ll want to narrow your search down to make it more targetted and more niche. For example, you may be interested in “dog beds”, however, you could narrow this down to make your niche about “luxury dog beds”, and so in essence,  you’re business would be centered around “luxury dog beds”. This is going to be really helpful in your business because you’ll have a targetted group of people who will be interested in what you have to say, and are more likely to purchase from you.


Cost: FREE



2. Build A Website

build a website for free

Build a website

After you’ve chosen your niche, you’ll want to build a website so that you can create content on your niche.

I think this gets overlooked a lot by beginners, but I believe the best way to build your business with affiliate marketing is by creating a website.

Nowadays it’s possible to build a website for your business without being tech-savvy, and with no money.

My recommended way to build a free website is by using the SiteRubix website builder. It’s really easy to build a website on this platform, and it uses the WordPress framework, which is the most widely used website framework online.

Try it out for FREE below and you could have your own fully functioning WordPress site in the next 5 minutes:


So, you’ve created a website…what next?


Now that you’ve built your free website, you need to add relevant content to your site in order to attract visitors. Think about what your readers want to know. If we go back to the example of “luxury dog beds”. What would your visitors want to know? What tips can you give them about choosing the right bed? Furthermore, you’ll want to think about what kinds of products they may be interested in buying, and what products you think are not worth buying. This will allow you to create product reviews, which are one of the most successful content methods for affiliate marketing. You can also use Keyword research to help improve your rankings in Google.


Cost: FREE


3. Find an Affiliate Program

You’ve got your website, and you’ve created some content, now you need to find some affiliate products to promote on your website. If there are products you’ve used already within your niche, you can find out if they have an affiliate program, then you can create a review for your website on that product and link people to it via your affiliate link. You can find programs for both good and bad products, and write reviews for both.


There are a few a few methods you can use to find affiliate products:


Method 1: Find a product on an affiliate network

An affiliate network is a website that provides lots of affiliate products in one place. It’s like having a marketplace for affiliate products, which gives you a choice of products to choose from.  Below is a list of some affiliate networks available:


Method 2: Do a good ol’ fashion Google Search

If we take a look at the image below, I typed in “luxury dog beds + affiliate program” into the Google search bar, and was given a list of affiliate programs available for my search. (You can also do this with Bing and Yahoo etc)

Google Search for Affiliate Programs

Google Search for Affiliate Programs


You could do this for any niche, all you have to do is type in Google search “your niche + affiliate program”


Method 3: Search on the website for an affiliate program

I’ve found a number of affiliate programs just by scrolling to the bottom of the products website. The screenshot below is an example of a website,, which sells “luxury dog beds”, and has an affiliate program. I scrolled to the bottom of the page and clicked “Affiliate”. With this website and most other websites with affiliate programs, you’ll be taken to a page that will show you how to sign up. Affiliate Program Affiliate Program


Method 4: Get in contact

If you’ve tried the methods above and you’re having no luck finding their affiliate program, you could get in contact with the company and find out if they have an affiliate program. I did this one time with Healthspan. I couldn’t find how to apply for the affiliate program on their website, so I decided to send an email, and they gave me the details to sign up. So as you can see, sometimes all you need to do is ask.


Cost: Free to Sign up


Note: While most affiliate programs are free to join, I have come across some programs that ask you to a pay a fee to be an affiliate, like the Empower Network affiliate program. I would highly recommend you stay away from such programs, as you shouldn’t have to pay to be an affiliate.



4. Attract Visitors

free traffic to your website

Attract visitors to your website

In order to make money with your website, you need to get visitors to it, cause without people, you have no business. It’s not just any kind of visitors, it needs to be relevant, targetted visitors. People who actually want to read your content and purchase the products you are promoting.

More Visitors = More Opportunity

So looking back at the example of “luxury dog beds”, you’ll want to focus on getting visitors who will be interested in this topic, to your website.

There are a few free ways you can use to attract visitors:

  • Keyword research – writing content based on key terms/questions your visitors are likely to search on Google, Bing etc. This will help your site to rank higher on search engines.
  • Social media – creating social accounts for your business, and following other users who would likely be interested in your website, and encouraging then to follow back so they can keep up to date with your latest content. Also interacting with people who would be interested in your niche
  • Forums – you can be active on forums related to your niche. If you are active enough and provide relevant information, you may get people interested in seeing your profile and eventually visiting your website.

There are other methods available, both free and paid, but I wanted to focus on a few free ones to show that you don’t need money to get visitors to your website.


Cost: FREE


5. Quality Training

Get The Right Training

Quality Training

Now, it’s nice enough having all these things in order to start your affiliate marketing business, however, you won’t be able to go very far without having the proper training. I would suggest taking a look at my #1 recommended training program for anyone looking to start affiliate marketing, that you can join for free, and will help you kickstart your affiliate marketing business. When you sign up for a free account you get:

  • Training to help you get started
  • 2 FREE websites
  • Help and Support from other members


Cost: FREE to Join


Final Words

I hope you found this post useful in showing you that you can actually get started online with no money. It may take longer for you turn it into a regular income, but at least the option is there if you’re unable to invest financially.

However, at some point, I would highly encourage putting money aside (whether it’s from your job, making extra money on the side and/or affiliate earnings), to invest into your business, sooner rather than later. This will help take your affiliate marketing business to the next level, as you’ll be able to look more professional and more of an authority, and you’ll start being able to take your business more seriously.

Like the saying goes:


If you’re really interested in starting out, and/or are low on money, then I think you’d benefit from joining my #1 recommended training program as a free member. Here you will be able to kickstart your affiliate marketing business, and hopefully, “turn your dream of success into reality”. 


Did you find this information useful? Do you feel you can finally begin to build an online business? Feel free to share your thoughts/questions in the comments below and/or share this post with others. 


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 18 comments
Raju Ahmed Rocky - March 7, 2019

Hi Stephanie,

First I will like to thank you for your informative post. Freelancing and earning from the internet is a common thing nowadays. And especially young people, when they are trying to start a business, money is an issue for them. I guess this post is like a blessing for them. Here they will able to learn tons of affiliate things and also know how to start without investment.

    Stephanie - May 4, 2019

    Hi Raju, thanks for commenting and for your feedback. Glad you felt my post was helpful, especially for those where money is an issue.

    Wishing you all the best!

Peter Orey - December 14, 2018

You have shared really great solutions for Businesses to make their sites responsive. Everyone want great results for his business. I really liked the ideas and strategies that you have shared here. This will definitely going to help me a lot for my affiliate marketing success.Actually i have a aim to earn handsome income via niche affiliate marketing that’s why i am searching some informative sites only for this purpose just like yours.

    Stephanie - May 4, 2019

    Hi Peter, thanks for commenting, and thank you for your feedback! Wishing you all the best, and love to hear how you’re getting on with your niche affiliate marketing!

Criss - November 6, 2018

Thanks for sharing. I love your blogs and already a follower of it. i am new in affiliate marketing now i am able to start my own affiliate marketing website so i work as full time affiliate and earn income.
So, i am thinking to hire a dedicated company to build my website. On searching google i have found revglue(.)com/bespoke a uk based registered agency which also offering these kind of services. I have a plan to hire them for building website but guys if you have another best solution or option for this please recommend me. so that i can make final decision.
Thanks in advance

    Stephanie - November 16, 2018

    Hi Criss, thanks for commenting and sharing your question. Personally, I would encourage creating your own website as it’ll be more cost effective and you don’t need to have a ton of technical skills to get up and running.

    If you hire an agency they may charge you hundreds of £££ to get a website built.

    With my recommended website builder you can create a website in just 60 seconds. Watch this Youtube video to find out how…

Garen - December 30, 2016

For a lot of people, money is always an issue when starting a business. When I started mine I was always trying to cut cost and save money any way I could. However, affiliate marketing is a great business to get in. You may have some hosting bills, business licenses, taxes, etc. But, it’s much better than a brick and mortar business.

Instead, you can work hard at creating a quality website and profit from it. It does take a lot of time, and you’re not going to make any “real” money for the first year or two. But, once you get the learning curve out of the way it’s totally worth it.

I did have a question for you, though? What struggles or setbacks have you had in the affiliate marketing industry?

    Stephanie - February 4, 2017

    Hi Garen, thanks for commenting.

    I agree, I think one of the biggest issues for people wanting to start a business is the start up costs. That was definitely a setback for me initially, and the reason I started looking for ways to make money online was because I literally had no money. And as a result, when I did work towards starting a business in Affiliate Marketing I was also trying to cut costs and save as much as I could too.

    Wealthy Affiliate definitely helped get things started when looking for a free way to start, and I’m glad I was a part of that near the beginning of my online journey…but soon I realised that I would need to invest financially into this business.

    What I do like about Affiliate Marketing, and programs like Wealthy Affiliate, is that you can get started for free…and although it’ll take you more time to be successful, you’ll probably learn a lot more in the process too, which could end up being more valuable.

    Thanks again, and all the best!

Josephine Crawford - July 18, 2016

Thank you for a comprehensive look at starting an affiliate business online. Is social media an effective way to market your business and attract readers? I am on social media as well, but I am not sure what good it is doing, hence my question.

    Stephanie - July 19, 2016

    Hi Josephine, thank you for commenting. I definitely think social media plays a big part in marketing your online business. If you can find some training to help you with social media marketing, then I’d definitely encourage it.

    I personally feel sites like Twitter and Instagram have helped me attract more readers, and the more active you are on social media, the more likely you are to get visitors to your content.

    If you’re looking for some quality information I’d recommended checking out this training here.

    I hope this helps.

    All the best!

Rajesh Kumar - July 18, 2016

Hi Stephanie
Great post with great information. very well said and explained. I am also doing affiliate marketing in my chosen niche. I still learning the new techniques to boost up my knowledge and business as well. I really impressed the information you provided as I am also new to affiliate marketing and your post will really help me to go ahead.
Again thanks for putting great post n keep up the good work.
Thanks Heaps

    Stephanie - July 19, 2016

    Hi Rajesh, thank you for commenting. I’m really glad to hear that you’ve found my content very informational. I hope it helps you move forward with your affiliate marketing business.

    Let me know if you have any questions you’d like to ask about affiliate marketing, and I’ll do my best to answer them for you.

    Wishing you all the best.

Jaime - July 17, 2016

Hey Stephanie this is a great breakdown of affiliate marketing. You are right about not having to pay to be an affiliate marketer. Everything you stated in this article was to on point and as a new person who is just trying to get started, this post will get them on the right track. Thank you for sharing.

    Stephanie - July 19, 2016

    Hi Jaime, thanks for commenting, really appreciate it. I’m glad to hear you think my article will be helpful to affiliate marketers, especially beginners.

    All the best!

Audra Foster - April 24, 2016

Hi, Stephanie. Great post! Affiliates make millions of dollars each year, and the number is at a steady increase. I thought about building a site just for my affiliate programs. You’ve given me more ideas. Thanks! 🙂

    Stephanie - April 27, 2016

    Hi Audra! Thanks for commenting. Affiliate marketing can definitely be a profitable business. Having the right tools and training can make a big difference, and that’s why I like to recommend Wealthy Affiliate, because they provide you with those tools to get out there and make your business profitable.

    I’m glad to hear I’ve also give you some extra ideas! All the best

Zailinah - April 21, 2016

Hi Stepahnie,

Yes affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to get started online. But that doesn’t mean that you can make money overnight.

The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can start free, as discussed in this article. Although you might not need to invest financially, you would certainly have to trade-in your time.

In my view, this is alright if you are starting out. However, you might need to put in some money in some aspects of the business, for instance, getting traffic (because that’s where you gain exposure for your website) or training program/mentorship from which you can learn more about growing your business.

I too started my online business with almost zero investment (except for the domain name and hosting) that I bought. Then with the returns, I invested it back into the business so I can scale up my business.

    Stephanie - April 21, 2016

    Hi Zailinah! Thank you so much for commenting. I agree, affiliate marketing is a good way to get started online. I also was able to get started for free with the help of Wealthy Affiliate. You’re very right it does require a lot of time. But the good thing is you can base your business around your passion, so you’re less likely to get bored with it. Also, at some point you’re definitely going to need to put some money into your business, which I mention towards the end of the article. It was encouraging to be able to get started with no money, but eventually, I realised that I was ready to take my business seriously, so invested in a domain name, hosting, autoresponder, traffic etc.

    At least there is a way people can get their feet off the ground when they’re really stuck financially, so that they can begin to live out their online dream.

    All the best!


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