Kevin Fahey’s IM Newbie Review – Is It Really Beginner Friendly? - Precious New Start

Kevin Fahey’s IM Newbie Review – Is It Really Beginner Friendly?

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Product Name: IM Newbie


Price: Front end $9.95 + Upsells

Owner: Kevin Fahey

Rating: 6/10

Launch Date: 8th September 2017


What is IM Newbie?

IM Newbie is an Internet Marketing program designed to help online newbies earn an income online through affiliate marketing and list building.

The course is taught by Kevin Fahey, where he outlines his step-by-step process to creating your own affiliate funnel and using it to build a profitable email list.

This IM Newbie review will share with you an insider’s look at what you can expect if you decide to purchase this program.


Who is Kevin Fahey?


Kevin is a successful online marketer who has got quite a lot of credibility as he already has a number of online products which offer good value, and he continues to provide more products.

He doesn’t hide from his products, instead, he’s at the forefront. This is something I find very encouraging, cause it gives me confidence that the owner wants to provide real value to his customers.

You can even contact him via his Facebook page. When I sent him a message, I received a response within 24 hours, so he’s definitely there for any support you may need.


What Training Is Included?

FREE Webinar Replay

  • 1hr 30min webinar replay which teaches you how to create an affiliate funnel and use it to build an email list.
  • A great resource and definitely worth watching.

Module 1 – Domain and Hosting

  • This module covers how to set up your domain and hosting.
  • I’m not too familiar with the domain and hosting sites Kevin recommends in the training, and they don’t appear to be the most affordable options. As an alternative, you can take a look at my in-depth guide on how to create a website on a budget.

Module 2 – WordPress

  • You’re taught how to install WordPress and install a theme onto your new site
  • Kevin also teaches how to change the settings of your WordPress site, as well as creating pages and menus

Module 3 – List Building

  • Here you’re shown how to create landing pages and set up your first autoresponder email
  • The landing page builder Kevin recommends is a paid option. So, if you’re on a budget and looking for some free options you can use Ontrapages or the Elementor Plugin

Module 4 – Social Media

  • In this module, you’ll learn why you need to integrate social media into your marketing, and how to set up your social media accounts. Primarily, Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Module 5 – Traffic

  • Here you’re taught how to create your first blog post, and how to monetise it with affiliate products
  • Kevin also teaches how to get free traffic through social media.

Module 6 – Conclusion & Bonuses

  • This module isn’t really a training module. It’s more of a roundup section where he concludes everything that’s been taught within the training.
  • Within this module you also get access to his eBook “Dropout Entrepreneur”, his Facebook group, which is great for additional support from other members, and some additional bonuses


IM VIP Training ($4.95)

  • 150 training videos (covering topics such as Email Marketing, Facebook Ads, Creating an Affiliate Funnel, autsourcing, Product Launching)
  • 25 courses
  • Bi-weekly webinars (with replays)
  • Lifetime Updates
  • 30 day money back guarantee

Download PLR (5 Day FREE Trial)

  • Access to 1000’s of Private Label Rights (PLR) content
  • After the 5 Day trial, you’ll be billed $14.95 until you cancel
  • Can be paid via Paypal

IM Facebook Masters ($57 One Time Offer)

  • 5 in-depth Modules with Step-by-Step Facebook Ad training
  • Includes 3 bonuses
  • 30-day money back guarantee

IM Coaching Guide ($9.95 OTO)

  • Step-by-Step PDF guide teaching you how to provide coaching services
  • Includes 5 bonuses
  • 30-day money back guarantee

IM Coaching Series (FREE + Upsell)

  • PDF download and Cheat Sheet
  • Upsell: Product Launching course 2.0 ($27 OTO) – 8 modules


Video Walkthrough


IM Newbie (Front End) – $9.95

IM VIP Training (Upsell) – $4.95 

Download PLR (Upsell) – 5 Day FREE Trial, then billed $14.95/month

IM Facebook Masters (OTO) – $57

IM Coaching Guide (OTO) – $9.95

Product Launching (Upsell) – $27 (with discount code)


Who is it for?

IM Newbie is for those of you who:

  • Have some experience with Internet Marketing, but are still quite new (I wouldn’t encourage complete beginners because some of the training isn’t the most newbie friendly in my opinion)
  • Are ready to take action and invest your time into this program


Who is it NOT For?

  • Anyone looking for a “get rich quick” scheme, as this is not that type of program
  • Those looking for real beginner training. This is a good and in-depth program, but I don’t think it covers enough of the basics to call it a truly beginner program.


[alert-announce]Take a look at my #1 recommended course for total beginners. It’s FREE to join![/alert-announce]



  • Affordable – The main course is only $9.95, which I feel is very affordable for the amount of value you’re getting
  • You don’t need to promote the product in order to earn money – This program is geared towards you promoting different affiliate offers and growing your email list. So you don’t need to resell this program to earn an income
  • Can contact the owner – You can get in contact with the owner either via the support desk or through Facebook.
  • Access to Facebook Group – You get instant access to the Facebook group where you can interact with other users of the IM Newbie program, and get further support and guidance.



  • No Free Trial
  • Need to purchase the upsell products to really learn how to earn a sustainable income with this method – You can earn money with this method if you follow the steps and take action, but I don’t feel the main product is enough to help you sustain an income and scale your business. You would need to purchase the upsells to gain access to that.
  • Too many upsells – I understand that programs like this will have upsells, but I feel there are too many. I think the whole program would have been better if it included some of the upsells and they were sold as a full product, with a monthly fee or a higher one-time price. It would make things a lot easier for beginners if everything is all in one place and easier to navigate.


IM Newbie vs My #1 Recommendation

I am currently an active member of Wealthy Affiliate and I personally like to recommend this program because it provides you with the real basics when it comes to affiliate marketing. As a beginner, you get access to the right tools and training to really help you get started.

Although I think IM Newbie is a valuable program, there is definitely room for improvement. It needs to be a lot more basic to really help beginner marketers as I feel that some of the modules covered, such as PHP admin, FTP, split testing, will be confusing to someone who is a complete newbie.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you get to start with the very basics, and each training module has actionable steps to help you keep track of your progress. Furthermore, pretty much all the tools you need are included in the platform, such as Keyword tool, web hosting, domain registration, training, support, etc.

Take a look at my quick comparison table below:



If you join me at Wealthy Affiliate, as a special bonus you’ll get your first premium month for only $19. That’s over 63% discount. It’s a great way to really test out the premium membership and see if Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

However, you can always get started with the FREE membership first.


Final Thoughts

If you’re a beginner looking for a program to help you earn an income online then IM Newbie offers a lot of value and actionable training to help those of you with some experience of Affiliate Marketing, especially for the price.

But there’s a lot of advanced aspects that may be daunting for a beginner who’s never done any marketing online before.

So, if you’re a complete beginner, then I personally recommend checking out Wealthy Affiliate. This is the program I used when I first started out, which takes you through the very basics and includes many of the tools you’ll need all in one place.

Overall, I hope I’ve provided enough information in this IM Newbie review to help you make an informed decision before joining.


So, if you’re interested in IM Newbie click the button below and watch the video for more information:

Join IM Newbie   


As an alternative, you can sign up FREE to my #1 recommended beginner training course:

Join Wealthy Affiliate FREE   

Note: This review is based on the pre-launch version of IM Newbie. I may update this review when/if there are any significant changes or issues with the program post-launch phase.

What are your thoughts on IM Newbie?

Are you currently a member? What have your experiences been?

Do you feel this program is beginner friendly?

Please share your thoughts, questions and comments in the section below


Blogger, Online Marketer and full-time music lover. Thank you for reading my posts! I share my experiences of making money online as well as providing useful tips and advice to those who are interested in starting an online business. I enjoy writing reviews and giving an insight into what has worked for me and what hasn't. If you like what I write here be sure to share my posts with others!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments

Hey Stephanie
It is a nice review, but i think IMnewbie deserved a higher rating, i am a free member of WA and trust me this most of stuffs you checked you can`t access them when you’re a free member, you get paid fewer commissions, when you cancel membership you don`t get paid commissions(you can’t be affiliate) etc. I agree with you WA is a great community but you should outline their weakness to be fair to other programs.
This is just my opinion
have a great day

    Stephanie - May 8, 2018

    Hi Lusekelo, thanks for sharing your opinion.

    You’re right, there are many features of WA that can’t be accessed with the free membership, however, I don’t claim that these features are available for free.

    I just let readers know what is available within the platform, and that you can sign up for free to test it out for yourself.

    WA is definitely not perfect, and I don’t ever claim that it is, but I do believe it is a high-quality program which offers A LOT of value and continuous training for the price.

    But as you pointed out, there are also some weaknesses, which I discuss further in my full WA review.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment and wishing you all the best!


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